Yet Another Verge Newbie Question(YAVNQ)
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Ok, I've read the tutorials on this site what do you guys suggest I do next? Basically what's a good way to start. Do I look over other game's source code and reverse engineer it or do I just learn the script language tag by tag? I don't expect to make an epic RPG or even a game I just wanna play with the language and see what I can do with it(nerd, yeah I know). Also if you guys have any links for other Verge sites I'd appreciate it.
Posted on 2001-12-19 08:49:33
| The biggest verge message board/vile repository going on now.
The way I started, I just made a few maps and simple chrs and threw 'em together to see what I could do. Make a small demo that does a variety of things; textbox, menus, item systems, etc.
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-12-19 12:32:34
As TheGerf says, start out with a few simple maps and characters. I ripped a few tiles and CHRs, threw together some simple stuff and just made it work.
But once you got the basics down, try challenging yourself a bit. Try something that you don't -think- you're capable of. Back in the day, I tried making a battle system almost immediately after my initial excercises (and I knew nothing of programming), and to my surprise, it actually worked. Working on something beyond your abilities means you learn a lot in very little time, even if you fail every so often. And there's always IRC if you get in too deep.
- Sungam
Ancient Ex-VERGEr
Possible Retro-VERGEr..?
Formerly known as:
Posted on 2001-12-19 13:19:37
An archive of Hours of Verge (a contest of sorts) games. They're usually pretty basic and include code most of the time so you could probably learn a thing or two from them if you're so inclined.
- choris
Posted on 2001-12-19 17:13:09