zone, text linked problem
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i have zones that are activated adjacently , okokok soi walk up to this lake and i hit enter (donotask)
and it has two textbox calls during the map event that the zone refers to...


Text("blah", "ahem", "and something else");
Text("another blah", " another ahem", "and mom");

what is wrong it just reads the second text call command...

thank you to those who actuall help!

I am a new person to verge People i like.. mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian and a few other poor souls

Posted on 2000-11-10 16:31:27


Check if you put three or four text commands in a row, and see what happens. Try it in other events too, if it always reads the last one, there may be a problem in the code.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2000-11-11 00:32:00


It sounds as though you're drawing the first textbox and then drawing the second one on top of it.

Therefore you're only seeing the second one because the first one is hidden.

What you should do is try the following:

event {
text("!", "@", "#");
while (!b1) {}
text("!!", "@@", "##");

What that will do is display the first box, then wait for the user to press button 1 (the enter key) before it displays the second box.

Hope this helps.

Praetor - Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.

Posted on 2000-11-11 02:04:50


thank you both for your help, this is exactly what i wanted, this will help me to advance to the next level of RPG makinf, and if i ever find out how to make scrolling credits i will mentions you all!!!

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 02:59:16

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