Automax 0 problem on Windows 98
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Setting 'automax 0' on a win98 computer results in this annoyance:

...Which you have to manually drag and resize to the proper screen ratio. I think this is bug-worthy.

Posted on 2005-06-07 19:13:09


I have a suspicion as to what's causing this. I'll compile up a version and email it to you to test, k? Maybe this evening sometime?

Posted on 2005-06-28 10:55:45


Sounds fine to me. Just mail me at overkill9999 AAAAAHHT gmail DAAAWWWWT com.

Posted on 2005-06-28 15:55:30


<Overkill> The automax 0 now works properly!
<vJesse> w00t!
<Overkill> And it centers the window for a change!
<vJesse> How's that for just wild gut instinct.
<vJesse> yeah, actually, it shouldn't have worked anywhere, so says the MS docs.
<vJesse> But XP is obviously somewhat forgiving.
<vJesse> Thanks.
<Overkill> What was wrong with the windowing :o
<vJesse> There's a function call SetWindowBounds or something that takes in a huge struct with lots of fields.
<Overkill> Ah.
<vJesse> The docs say that you have to set thatStruct.length = sizeof(thatStruct) or it just fails.
<vJesse> And it wasn't setting that field. So it should have just failed.
<vJesse> Which it did, on win98
<Overkill> Also, you managed to fix full-screen back to windowed mode too.
<vJesse> Must have been the same thing.
<Overkill> So if you hit alt+enter and hit it again, now the title bar comes back.

Bug resolved. Jesse, you rock.

Posted on 2005-06-28 18:52:39 (last edited on 2005-06-28 21:22:22)

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