Bracket matching bug
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I've just discovered that the following code:

void TextBox(string a, string b, string c) // Textbox("Blah blah blah")
int done; // To tell when we're done.
while (!done) // While not done... loops this code.
// Draw the map.
// Draw a Box.
DrawWindow(5, 5, ImageWidth(screen) - 5, 15 + (FontHeight(0) * 3), screen);
// Draw the text.
PrintString(10, 10, screen, 0, a);
PrintString(10, 10 + (FontHeight(0) * 1), screen, 0, b);
PrintString(10, 10 + (FontHeight(0) * 2), screen, 0, c);
// An essential to any loop. Refreshes the screen.
// Only do after you draw everything.

if (b1) // If we press button 1, enter.
done = 1; // We're done.
Unpress(1); // Make sure they let go of b1.

Can be represented as the following if it's the last function in the file:

void TextBox(string a, string b, string c) // Textbox("Blah blah blah")
int done; // To tell when we're done.
while (!done) // While not done... loops this code.
// Draw the map.
// Draw a Box.
DrawWindow(5, 5, ImageWidth(screen) - 5, 15 + (FontHeight(0) * 3), screen);
// Draw the text.
PrintString(10, 10, screen, 0, a);
PrintString(10, 10 + (FontHeight(0) * 1), screen, 0, b);
PrintString(10, 10 + (FontHeight(0) * 2), screen, 0, c);
// An essential to any loop. Refreshes the screen.
// Only do after you draw everything.

if (b1) // If we press button 1, enter.
done = 1; // We're done.
Unpress(1); // Make sure they let go of b1.

Posted on 2006-02-01 06:22:59


Can the bracket for 'if' be accidentally omitted too?

The concept of an open 'while' loop is more worrisome than an unended 'if'.

Posted on 2006-02-01 17:04:58


Nope, it only works for those two, and when I try making the if() into an open while, it also doesn't work. But it's disturbing since that encourages bad coding habits, the worst of the worst, not having all brackets.

Posted on 2006-02-01 17:51:14


That's bad. Now, new people may get in the habit of not closing brackets, and then, because brackets are not closed, millions of babies will die world-wide...
Somebody start diggin'.

Posted on 2006-02-03 22:52:14


Isn't it possible this could be one of those self-fulfilling prophecy things? I myself would never intentionally write bad code as I'm sure it plain doesn't work right.

...But the minute you discover that it does indeed work...

Posted on 2006-02-05 12:04:22

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