editcode 1
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Well, I enabled editcode 1 for Sully 3 and played around. When I reloaded system.vc, V3 crashed. The traceback indicates that a buffer overflow is somehow occurring in fread (specifically in the place where it memcpy()s from the stream buffer to the destination). Can't really tell you more than that without getting some more specific information (like a vc traceback or something) but I have no idea how to get it. Should be fairly simple to reproduce. This may or may not be an editcode issue, actually - might be related to the eof changes or something.

I'm going to keep hitting editcode with pointy sticks to see if I can flush out any other issues.

Posted on 2005-07-02 23:33:28


I found a couple problems with this that are fixed. Please get newest version and continue to poke :)

Posted on 2005-07-03 16:01:18

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