GP2X Port
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I decided to stop sucking, zip the damn thing up and upload it to the site, but the upload keeps timing out - file is probably too big. So here it is on temp(ish) hosting

Anyway here it is. It ain't perfect, but it's about as far as I'm willing to go for fear of me making some really stupid code decision.

There is a Visual Studio 2k5 Express solution in the /gp2x direcotry, it requires:
devkitGP2X -
sed (win32 version) -

This should help anyone who wants to get a dev environment setup -

Edit: I forgot about the zlib/SDL includes and libs. These need to go into the devkitGP2X directory. Link

Posted on 2007-07-06 23:43:20 (last edited on 2007-08-19 21:19:52)

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