GP2X VERGE bug...?
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The engine doesn't seem to support mp3 playback in games...

Posted on 2006-07-11 17:56:05


G2PX doesn't support any sound playback from what I've read! FMOD, which is required by verge3, has yet to be compiled for G2PX. I could be wrong though!

Posted on 2006-07-11 19:44:31


An early version of the binary didn't support music at all. I have since gotten SDL_Mixer to work. The port should support all formats that PC verge supports except for oxm as it's Fmod specific. Fmod is released in compiled form for many platforms. GP2X is not one of them, hence....

Also which version of the verge binary are you using? You probably want it's about 8 million miles better the the first one I uploaded...and you know you can use the same thread for all this stuff about the gp port...

Edit: I fail at making links
Edit 2: For some reason when I make a real link (a href=...) PHPSESSID gets shoved in link url with it.

Posted on 2006-07-11 21:38:36 (last edited on 2006-07-11 21:49:49)


Yeah that's the version I downloaded. Sorry for the amount of thread creation. It's a bad habit. I will try to stop.

Yeah I got my GP2X finally yesterday and was a little disappointed about the lack of sound. The stereo patch I got for it is a little depressing too because the speakers suck but with headphones the unit works fine. Get to play all my favourite games on one handheld plus watch movies and listen to music!

As far as the sound for games with verge is concerned, I suppose I'll just wait for the engine upgrade if it ever comes along and continue programming the game as if it had sound.

Posted on 2006-07-12 07:04:11


Just a thought, surely the sound handlers could be programmed into the source of the port using SDL? It's not like the GP2X doesn't play sound with ANY programs - it doesn't with VERGE but with others it does.

check out the SDL tutorials on game programming wiki online. somewhere in the documentation there's a tutorial to making sound support for an engine...

Posted on 2006-07-12 16:26:18


Quote:Originally posted by Overkill

G2PX doesn't support any sound playback from what I've read! FMOD, which is required by verge3, has yet to be compiled for G2PX. I could be wrong though!

Seeing as the gp2x plays movies and mp3s out of the box, I'm betting you're wrong, chief!

Posted on 2006-07-26 01:43:52


Thanks, sir.

Posted on 2006-07-26 09:52:47


read my post which says "ness look at this" or something like that

Posted on 2006-07-26 14:48:00

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