Jesse! Something fun!
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<Jesse> I'd rather do fun things ;)

How about... wrapping maps built into the engine! And have it toggleable by curmap.wrap or something.

Posted on 2005-10-15 16:53:10


The question I would have with this is whether you want a infini-map, or actually a wrapping world.

The difference being entities and positions. Do entities that appear in the map also appear in the other copies of it? If the player isn't in the original map, are the coordinates, say, negative, or are they as if the player was in the original map.

It's possible (I have a demo running) to simply tile the map, but the entities don't tile, and the positions don't wrap, either. Does that make sense? Is it even useful?

Posted on 2005-10-15 18:02:15


I'm not sure if I got it, but here goes a response to what I interpretted.

I don't think should be a need for 'copies' of the world, necessarily. It should just keep the entity within map boundaries. You walk off the edge, you appear on the other side of the world. So if an entity walks up into an area outside of the map range, they will appear on the opposite end of the world. Walking up from (10, 0) would go to (10, map.height - 1) sort of thing. And of course, make it so the player can't tell they're walking off the edge, by forcing the camera to *always* center on the player.

But, ah, I see. The layer of entities not tiling could be a problem, if its possible that the map can tile.

Posted on 2005-10-15 22:30:35 (last edited on 2005-10-15 22:32:58)


Yeah, that's what I figured you wanted. Well, that is probably more difficult, especially with, say, triggering zones or running into entities at the border, because all those checks need to be altered to check for wrapping, and there's potentially a whole lot of places that might need to be done.

Posted on 2005-10-15 22:45:29

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