Maped 3 bugs
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FYI. Please post some maped3 bugs. It's unlikely I will be able to do a serious me3 revamp, but I will try to fix the more aggregious bugs. I know there's a stickied ME3 thread but its very old, and I'm too lazy to read through it. :D

Also, with tatsumi's 'I won't be doing things anymore' post, I'm gonna bug him about releasing the maped3 code. (I have the code, but it's not mine to release)

Posted on 2005-08-16 10:52:25


Okay, here goes. I'm using Windows 98 and I get some of the following bugs:

1) Importing fails more often than not. But surprisingly, if you try enough, it'll eventually import the tileset you want.
2) Importing from the clipboard never works for me.
3) Draging outside of the visible region of the map with a line tool, paintbrush tool or other will freeze Maped3.
4) Sometimes loading something with Browse in the same directory as the map still brings up errors about 'File is not in the same folder as map' or something. For instance using Browse to locate music or to locate .chr files for entities.
5) Arranging tiles doesn't work. :D Come on, I know this could be useful for people who have 32x32 sized tiles and would rather not have to paint them one 16x16 tile at a time (or use the clipboard to paste the single 32x32 tile). THIS is more of suggestion than a bug ;__;
6) Not sure if this is a bug, but you can't floodfill zone information!

Posted on 2005-08-16 11:27:01 (last edited on 2005-09-17 18:24:20)


The entity placement gets a bit scatty if you have multiple entities on the same tile or mix mouse placement and manually entering in tile coords. I haven't done this enough to have figured out exactly how it goes, though.

Grue said he had some trouble getting Save to work reliably. I can't confirm this as I've been using Save As since then just to be safe. Maybe some changes don't dirty the map? I dunno.

Speaking of which, entity placements don't go into the undo stack.

And I think the layer numbers are still one off the numbers used in VC.

Posted on 2005-09-26 18:54:20


The layers are indeed one off from that of VC (they're 1 greater), but only if you click New Layer. If you instead just create all your layers upon New Map, it'll number them properly. I found this to be a little odd.

In the newer Maped3, 100% layer translucency on the little guage is considered opaque. But in the old Maped3, 0% layer translucency is opaque. Yes, it will keep the proper values in tact if you saved in the old maped and loaded in the newer, but it's still odd, especially since it's translucency not opacity.

Posted on 2005-09-28 18:37:34


If you have a Random-animted tile animation and turn animations on in maped, it doesn't show that tile at all.

Posted on 2005-10-01 16:07:10


Enabling transparency effects only affects the obstructions, zones and entities. ...This may have been intentional, but it would be nice if the layer transparency was also affected.

Posted on 2005-10-04 15:46:18

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