mouse.x and mouse.y and windows.
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It seems any windows besides the main window are not taken into account when mouse.x and mouse.y are calculated. Thus, if you have another active VC-generated window and want to use mouse interaction, it'll only show the mouse when it's hovering over the main window. I'd like it if perhaps mouse.x and mouse.y were the offset relative to the current window instead? How difficult would this be?

Posted on 2005-10-18 15:07:53


Someone else will have to take this; the mac version doesn't have multiple-window support.

Posted on 2005-10-19 09:15:00


I was under the impression that the multiple window support was going to be dropped... since the only games that used it were basically proof of concept HoV titles...

Posted on 2005-10-19 15:08:18


I actually use multiple windows for the Verge Wars server to help organize all the information. It's hardly necessary to do it this way, though (it also doesn't really count as a game either). Just thought I'd mention that it's not completely unused.

Posted on 2005-10-19 22:45:10

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