NPC pixel movement broken.
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Okay, first of all, the P/T tokens in movestrings, which are supposed to toggle between pixel- and tile-based movement for that entity, do not work. Entities just stay tile-based all the time. This is a documented problem, but I was told to mention it here, so here it be.

How it is SUPPOSED to work, I think: When you put a P in the movestring, any ULDR tokens following it are to be interpreted as pixel-measures rather than tile measures. T sets it back to tile measures. The idea, I believe, was that entities would still treat any nonstandard obs as a fully obstructed tile while in pixel-mode (since pixel-based obs processing is expensive).

I need pixel-based entity movement for this -- my function can currently move entities to the nearest tile, but it can't line them up perfectly unless the player happens to be exactly on a tile.

Posted on 2005-05-27 21:46:51


This is fixed in my local copy.

I think obstruction testing is already pixel-based, even with tile-based movement; non-standard obs should be handled per-pixel. Please correct me if that's not the case.

Posted on 2005-06-09 22:34:17

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