Possible bug with ImageValid()?
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In theory, if you FreeImage() something it's no longer a valid image, right? So why does ImageValid() get so horribly confused when it's asked to validate an image handle that has potentially been FreeImage'd? It's been causing me all sorts of horrible little problems. Eventually, I had to resort to freeing an image and then setting it's old handle to equal zero before things started working the way they should. Argh?

On another note, is it possible to turn of whatever is making VERGE dump a message to the log every time an image is loaded? It's occasionally useful for debugging but clogs the log up after a while if you're playtesting for any length of time.

Posted on 2006-03-03 16:21:22


ImageValid() works properly as far as I know.

Just so you know, the confusion's likely caused by the current verge build not actually freeing the image data of an image. FreeImage() only frees the handle. I fixed this since then, but it might be a bit before it's in SVN or in the public release. I also turned off the logging when loading images. Anyway, um... maybe I can arrange to get this vital bugfix implemented by someone else in the meantime. Then you could get the latest revision and problems will likely be solved.

Posted on 2006-03-03 19:03:40


Cheers, Overkill. That's exactly what I wanted.

Posted on 2006-03-05 19:10:00

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