Slight Build Problem
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I'm basically new to real development environments, but...after compiling and linking a release version of Verge.exe, it's at 748 KB. But all the other versions I've seen released are below 600 KB. Is this...anything to worry about?

Posted on 2006-01-08 17:56:33


Not really. I mean, it's considerably less than the 2.14mb debug builds. :D

Posted on 2006-01-08 18:20:27


Thanks. Yes, the debug size really did freak me out at first glance.

Posted on 2006-01-08 18:25:11


Any insights as to why this happens? If I compile using the public source (not from the svn), I should have an identical executable to one packaged into the engine download, but I don't. Where do the 150+ kb come from?

Posted on 2006-06-28 14:53:50


There have been plenty of changes since last release. Also, maybe Visual C++ 2005 Express doesn't compile as efficiently as VC++ 6. Who knows. All I care is that it runs okay mainly, and that it isn't quite as bad as the 2mb debug builds :D

Posted on 2006-06-28 19:44:48

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