Some Wierdness with PlayMovie in fullscreen mode
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When I've been running kambou in windowed mode the game runs slower compared to fullscreen mode. I've been assuming this is typical and hope this is the case. I'd like to start running the game in fullscreen mode, but there's a wierd screen resetting issue going on that I think involves the playmovie function.

Does playmovie set the resolution of the screen? If so, I'm uncertain why I'm getting the effect that I'm getting because the movie and screen res should be the same.

You should be able to get the same effect by switching the downloadable v0.3 of kambou to fullscreen mode.

Posted on 2007-01-19 01:13:40


It's possible that playmovie always changes the screen mode, depending on how it's implemented. Unfortunately I know too little about the libs it uses to say. How many frames is the movie? You could always just make it a giant filmstrip and animate it manually, if all else fails.

Posted on 2007-01-20 16:49:50


I took your recommendation and rendered out the movies into individual screens. I was initially worried about filesize, but the jpgs as a group are only slightly larger than the avi (2.1 megs as compared to 1.8 megs). That's a hit I'm willing to take, especially since it's not data that has to sit in RAM.

Thanks for the advice, Gayo.

Posted on 2007-01-22 01:21:05


PlayMovie() sets the resolution of the screen. It is a simple API. Look at the advanced APIs if you want more control. One could build a library that worked a little more intelligently than PlayMovie(), such as, for example, auto-scaling to the xres/yres instead of resizing the screen.

I do notice that it sets the resolution even if the screen res and movie res match. I'll checkin a patch to prevent the change if they match.

In general, on a modern machine, nothing should run faster fullscreen, unless youre running the window scaled 2x or 3x. I cant think of any good reason why that would be.

Posted on 2007-01-22 01:47:33


Quote:Originally posted by zeromus

I do notice that it sets the resolution even if the screen res and movie res match. I'll checkin a patch to prevent the change if they match.

That should solve my problem. Thanks. :D

Quote:Originally posted by zeromus

In general, on a modern machine, nothing should run faster fullscreen, unless youre running the window scaled 2x or 3x. I cant think of any good reason why that would be.

... because I wanted a window that fills my screen...

Posted on 2007-01-23 18:44:04

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