These are just some ideas I thought I could throw around.
1) GetH(int color), GetS(int color), GetV(int color), HSV(int h, int s, int v).
2) Function that returns the
count() of a given array? This way things that make use of GetIntArray() and such will be able to do so without the added annoyance of having to pass the size of the array.
3) Ternary operators?
4) Color swapping and hue swapping functions for images?
5) A function that gets the ordinal integer value of a string character?
6) Have comparison operators work on strings, by evaluating a strcmp() command?
- a == b, strcmp(a, b) returns 0.
- a != b strcmp(a, b) returns 1.
7) A function that returns a zone index's function call. Ex. Zone 1 returns 'FallThroughFloor', which could then be CallFunction()'d.
8) TColorFilter()? That way, one doesn't have to make use of Silhouette() and AlphaBlit() just to prevent death magenta pixels from being affected by the filter.
9) A way to set/get an entity index's function call. Ex. entity[1].callfunc returns 'TalkToFred', which could then be CallFunction()'d.
10) A way to tell if a zone index is adjacently activated or activated by being over them.
11) If possible, make string functions faster. ;__;
13) A proper FileReadLn()? EOF?
14) MD5 hashing?
15) ImageWritePNG(int image, string filename)
16) Optional function arguments? void Heal(int who, int amount, int wholeparty = 0) { DoHEAL(); }
17) A way to trigger events when an entity collides with the player.
18) Map wrapping.
19) GetObsRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2), which would allow you to detect if
any obstruction is between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
20) Get && and || working in the same conditional, along with better brackets support.
21) Custom compile image, settable via v3.cfg.