Suggested features
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These are just some ideas I thought I could throw around.

1) GetH(int color), GetS(int color), GetV(int color), HSV(int h, int s, int v).
2) Function that returns the count() of a given array? This way things that make use of GetIntArray() and such will be able to do so without the added annoyance of having to pass the size of the array.
3) Ternary operators?
4) Color swapping and hue swapping functions for images?
5) A function that gets the ordinal integer value of a string character?
6) Have comparison operators work on strings, by evaluating a strcmp() command?

  • a == b, strcmp(a, b) returns 0.
  • a != b strcmp(a, b) returns 1.

7) A function that returns a zone index's function call. Ex. Zone 1 returns 'FallThroughFloor', which could then be CallFunction()'d.
8) TColorFilter()? That way, one doesn't have to make use of Silhouette() and AlphaBlit() just to prevent death magenta pixels from being affected by the filter.
9) A way to set/get an entity index's function call. Ex. entity[1].callfunc returns 'TalkToFred', which could then be CallFunction()'d.
10) A way to tell if a zone index is adjacently activated or activated by being over them.
11) If possible, make string functions faster. ;__;
13) A proper FileReadLn()? EOF?
14) MD5 hashing?
15) ImageWritePNG(int image, string filename)
16) Optional function arguments? void Heal(int who, int amount, int wholeparty = 0) { DoHEAL(); }
17) A way to trigger events when an entity collides with the player.
18) Map wrapping.
19) GetObsRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2), which would allow you to detect if any obstruction is between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
20) Get && and || working in the same conditional, along with better brackets support.
21) Custom compile image, settable via v3.cfg.

Posted on 2005-06-01 15:24:36 (last edited on 2005-06-01 15:28:35)


Some thoughts on these.
1) I don't care about because I don't know anything about HSV, but sure, it wouldn't be a bad idea.
2) WHY IS THIS NOT IN. Given that all arrays are global and you're forced to enter an integer constant for array length, it could presumably do array.length as a preprocessor step, so there's no excuse for it not to be in, expecially when V3 spins its head around and projectile vomits at the sight of an our-of-bounds index.
3) ...why? I mean, did you have anything in mind?
4) Yeah, this would be swell. It's trivially easy to do manually, but speed would be a REAL boon, since any iterated setpixel process is going to be slow as sucking dicks uphill.
5) WHY IS THIS NOT IN TOO. OK so there's no char() natural but come on, just have it do like -1 on a multichar string or something.
6) This is kind of dumb. Yes, the 'false on identical strings' thing is retarded, but there's still no good reason not to just use strcmp. All it would do for me is confuse me into trying to compare strings and integers even more than I already do.
7, 9, 10) This would be nice. VERGE is a horrible cripple when it comes to accessing map and chr data in VC. Add to this some way to get other chr data -- number of frames and walkstrings in particular.
8) huh what.
11, 14, 16) None of these things have any chance of happening in V3, ever. Maybe V4.
12) There is no 12.
13) Yeah, this would be swell.
15) It'd be nice, but I bet you everyone is going to be too lazy to do it. I know I am. There's probably an existing one we could steal for free, but vecna has this Christian Science approach to problems where we aren't allowed to use obvious existing solutions to problems because they would sully the purity of the engine.
17) It'd be nice, but unless you have a jillion entites on screen you can check collisions constantly without a visible framerate hit. I mean, christ, it worked fine in SHM and I ran that in V2 on a half-dead 233. If it's in, I'd want a variable that can turn it off, so that the speed isn't wasted.
18) This would be nice, but it's not so necessary now that there's a workaround for it.
19) This doesn't seem that useful, but I guess it couldn't hurt. Still, what on earth are you doing that you need to use this constantly?
20) YES YES YES. This is infuriating.
21) This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The compiling image won't show up in a release copy because it won't need to compile, so who cares?

In my mind, priorities are like this:
Major, can't be faked, should be easy to add: 2, 5
Major, can't be faked: 7, 9, 10, various other metadata accessible through vc
Not major but can't be faked: 1, 15
Major but can be faked: 4, 13, 20
Not major and can be faked: 17, 18, 19

Who cares: 6, 21
Don't quite follow: 3, 8
Nice but will never happen: 11, 14, 16.

In my mind, the most important things to get in are things like the entity.callfunc that have no workaround.

Posted on 2005-06-01 18:18:21


By the way while I'm at it: VERGE *really, really* needs a way to set the camera bounds to a rectangle other than the map bounds. vecna said this would be trivially easy to put in since it's already in xerxes, but even still it'd probably take like 5 minutes, so it's understandable that he hasn't got around to it quite yet.

Posted on 2005-06-01 18:25:54


As for 3 (ternary operators), useless suggestion. Not really required at all. I'm happy with using if-else. Just kind of got hooked on using ternary operators after using PHP. :D

As for 8 (TColorFilter), try using ColorFilter on an image that has transparent pixels (ie. RGB(255, 0, 255)) that you want to preserve. An example would be if one wants to filter their map's tileset. All the once-transparent pixels will suddenly become opaque and near-purple.

Posted on 2005-06-01 20:06:51


Ohhh yeah, I remember that being discussed before. Yeah, that'd be a swell thing to have.

Posted on 2005-06-01 20:33:22


Quote:Originally posted by Gayo

By the way while I'm at it: VERGE *really, really* needs a way to set the camera bounds to a rectangle other than the map bounds. vecna said this would be trivially easy to put in since it's already in xerxes, but even still it'd probably take like 5 minutes, so it's understandable that he hasn't got around to it quite yet.

Honey catches the flies, dear. Not vitriol.

Posted on 2005-06-02 10:51:48


OverKill, Please refrain from giant lists like this. Every feature should have it's own thread, for proper discussion. And this is not the time to suggest things yet.

Posted on 2005-06-02 10:57:25


I should note that you included a new feature thread as a bug. Sneak.

Also, empirical evidence suggests that some flies don't get caught at all, so one might as well be bitchy, because being bitchy is fun.

Posted on 2005-06-02 14:34:41


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

OverKill, Please refrain from giant lists like this. Every feature should have it's own thread, for proper discussion. And this is not the time to suggest things yet.

My bad ;__;. Sorry, I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

Posted on 2005-06-02 14:52:57

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