Sully update
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Over the weekend I implemented several things I thought were already done but weren't, and the battle system now is properly seeding everything properly in the action queue up to the point where actions are being seeded properly and delayed actions are being properly sent messages to the resolve_action() stub. We're so close it hurts.

The next things for me to do is hook everything into resolve_action for proper resolution, and then add in the battle menu so players can seed actions too (right now only default AI is taking over... I was set back slightly wondering why LoadEnemyStruct() errors were occuring during enemy AI until I realized that gayo had put that function as the sample AI function and it was actually performing accurately ;).

Anyways, when I press 's' presently within the battle a random target gets a random slashy animation over them and a set of bouncy numbers. We're looking at a level of polish all told in the bones of this system that's yet to be seen in any GCE battle system I'm aware of. Once we've filled it up with various effects and the such we should be the envy of all, including the RPGM* peoples. This is really taking a professional shape.

I have not yet committed these changes. Hopefully I'll still feel like completing stuff tonight after work.


Posted on 2005-09-26 06:30:18


Nice, we're almost there.

Also, I'm just curious, but did you fix the bouncy digits yet to be timer based instead of simple incrementing/decrementing? That'd be nice to us losers with low end computers[, who haven't received Grue's PC in the mail yet]. ;_;

Posted on 2005-09-26 13:58:22


I'll ask my dad if he sent it again. I haven't recieved my package from him either, but he's overworked atm so I haven't wanted to push the matter.

Posted on 2005-09-26 16:18:47

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