Sully update.
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For the first time in about 65 days I finally got some significant work on Sully done. Goddamnit.

Anyways, the battle menu inconsistancy errors are now eliminated. It was a simple matter of not having cleared the base_page string between menu regenerations. Annoying.

Also the basic algos for attacks and the such were verified as being correct, but the old equipment values were totally bum. Gayo provided equipment values that are more in line for the enemy stats for testing, and finally Darin and Crystal ain't dying at the drop of a hat. In fact, they can get all the way to the end of a battle, and start dancing. Yay!

Next up is to track down the 'lack of delay' error that occasionally happens. Once this is done, I can finally document how to augment the system (ie, create new effects/abilities, etc) and let some folks make some pretties, while I tidy up the rest of the system (status ailments, end of battle resolution).

Posted on 2006-02-27 03:01:44


The delay-lacking error seems to have disappeared, so it's either been solved with the battle menu fixes, or is just hiding for now.

Implemented 'automatic item use' for item-execution commands. The item use needs some tweaking, but it's a good framework and properly debugged in it's current form.

I basically need to decrement an item from inventory at selectiontime, instead of at item-use-execution-time. If the battle ends, or the actor becomes incapacitated, we'd then return the unexecuted items to inventory.

But the framework I just put in works for that change, too. I'll implement them in the morning.

Note to self: something that'd be good to implement at that time would be to only invoke this whole subclause when a consumable item is used.

Posted on 2006-02-27 06:32:23


Reworked battle use of items so items are removed from inventory when a character decides to use one, and restocked into inventory only if the charging item's action was cancelled (via death or a charging-action-cancelling-attack or something).

Posted on 2006-02-28 23:37:49


  • Started implementation of the status effect subsystem.

    • Shelled out the status-triggers (on_end, on_death, on_rest, on_hit, on_act).
    • put on_end into place.

  • added special check conditions to the targetting library .

Need to finish targetting impl, put the new changes into the functions to take advantage of the changes, hook in the remaining four triggers, implement the bodies of the five trigger functions, and then start sprinking the actual status effect implementations into the appropriate places.

Note: need an "on_step()" call for overworld walking? Where to put? Hookrender?

Also need to grill Gayo more about the delay parameter of the status ailments. 100 ticks is way short... that's only about one turn, isn't it?!!

Posted on 2006-03-07 23:44:13


finished putting in the trigger hooks. remember to unset the dead_flag for the battle actors when they're revived (make a ressurect function as a single go-to point.)

Posted on 2006-03-09 02:27:33


Added default-positioning of battle targetting cursor tonight. So, like, now you can start off with the pointer pointing on a dead ally, a living ally, any ally, or the rightmost enemy.

Isn't that exciting?

Posted on 2006-03-09 22:55:32


Finished all of the backend for the status effects. Took hours. Whee.

  • Now you can give a status effect to anyone
  • take one from anyone (ie, cure)
  • you can check for them in various snips of code
  • they all automatically wipe themselves on their various triggers (currently: on_end, on_death, on_rest, on_hit, on_act, on_life)
  • they currenly wipe out any that are set to "cancel" (e.g., "Weak" cancels "Might", so if Darin is afflicted with Weak, and Crystal casts a spell on him that gives him Might, the Might cancels the Weak (leaving him only with the Might status effect) )

Now I need to put the actual impl code in the battle system. I've already added "lifeline"'s re-life effect in, but most of these need Gayo to tell me precisely what numerical juju they do.

Then, I need to muck in some visual effects. Should status ailments have required little "I'm being afflicted" effects? Should little icons hang over various battle actors no matter what?

Also, I need to make the idle-animation deconstructor. Basically, what status ailments take animation priority over which other status ailments ( if someone's poisoned, weak, and stoned, what should they appear as? (stoned, in this case. Stone supercedes almost everything.) )

Posted on 2006-03-13 04:46:39


I bet half the reason Grue posted this was to show off his fancy-pants bullets. :D

Posted on 2006-03-18 16:59:30


  • Mwahaha.

  • Actually,

  • Falthorn made them.

  • I just made all li's in the stylesheet use them as their bullet graphic.

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • yeah.

  • Anyways, Sully work will continue shortly. I was out of town for the weekend.

    Posted on 2006-03-19 19:30:36


    • Coool....

    • As a side note... how many gallons of caffiene and/or alchohol did it take you, Grue?

    Posted on 2006-03-19 22:14:50


    Implemented the attribute-altering status ailments. Still left are:

    /// Barrier
    /// Protect
    /// Depress
    /// Fragile
    /// Reflect
    /// Regenerate
    /// Nullify
    /// Invincible
    /// Poison
    /// Enervate
    /// Death
    /// Confuse
    /// Charm
    /// Silence
    /// Seal
    /// Sleep
    /// Paralysis

    Posted on 2006-03-21 22:21:16


    i kinda lost track with Sully Chronicles :P

    Is Darrin able to fight with the new updates?

    Posted on 2006-04-04 02:12:08


    Not yet in any public releases...

    Posted on 2006-04-04 02:21:53


    weeee!!! hope that you balanced it out with funny attacks and gruesome ones... kindalike Mortal Kombat finishes (Fatality and Babality)

    Posted on 2006-04-05 01:33:25


    More status conditions are now implemented. Left to do are: Reflect, Regenerate, Nullify, Poison, Enervate, Death, Confuse, Charm, Silence, Seal, Sleep, Paralysis.

    Reflect and Nullify are started, but I want to implement them in a fancypantsy way that's autoresolving munging the targetting system's system-ness to it's advantage.


    Posted on 2006-04-13 22:24:11


    Mute and Seal (disallowing Magic and Skill use) are in. Also, it's a simple matter because of it to have any status ailment disable any skillgroup at all.

    So like, you could have a "Nature" skill group, let's say, and have both Seal and Poison disable it.


    Posted on 2006-05-10 22:37:36


    Sounds great!

    By the way, Castle Heck is coming along nicely. ;)

    Posted on 2006-05-15 12:17:30


    I could have sworn I made a post in this topic, but it seems to have disappeared.

    Posted on 2006-05-20 20:20:29


    There's presently a missing month of forum action. See the front page about it.

    Posted on 2006-05-20 20:55:52


    And now the month is back, yay!

    Posted on 2006-07-01 22:04:38

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