this ever bother anyone else?
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In VC, screen comes right after x/y in printstring.

printstring(x, y, screen, font, string);

And at the end of all other graphic function.

blit(x, y, image, screen);

I'm always putting screen in the wrong place. :D

Posted on 2006-08-10 17:19:31


This is exactly why I must keep a copy of v3vergec.txt and/or the documentation on the site here open at all times that I am working on any vergec code.

Posted on 2006-08-10 18:13:36


It bothered me, but eventually I got used to doing it that way. ;_;

I'd fix it to use more conventional argument ordering, except... then pretty much all verge3 games would have a problem. Too bad there isn't function overloading for builtins (or anything).

Then you could have both of these:
// New way
PrintString(int x, int y, string text, int font, int dest);
// Supported, old, but deprecated way
PrintString(int x, int y, int dest, int font, string text);

Posted on 2006-08-10 23:30:31 (last edited on 2006-08-10 23:32:55)


I wasn't suggesting changing it, it's things like this that make coding in vc fun!

Posted on 2006-08-10 23:41:52


Well, it's easy enough to make a MyPrintString that does it the normal way.

Posted on 2006-08-11 22:03:56


...And gives you more function overhead. ;_;
Shut up. I'm like that.

Posted on 2006-08-15 06:34:48


Quote:Originally posted by CrazyAznGamer

...And gives you more function overhead. ;_;
Shut up. I'm like that.

It's a meaningless neurosis, like covering the toilet seat in toilet paper before taking a shit. VERGE is already so unbelievably slow that no amount of overhead matters.

Posted on 2006-08-15 17:34:36


It's not that slow, even. Sully runs okay enough on the GP2x, and the current version is running on only one of it's two CPUs. That's a 233mhz machine, btw.

Sure, there's room for improvement, but it's not "le terrible". At any rate, adding another function call to wrap a process is not costly enough to worry about.

Posted on 2006-08-17 14:35:22


And it should be noted that some of the current slowness is due to debugging type operations being turned on even in the released executable. I'm talking about bounds checks and the like. If you disable them and do some function inlining then vergec can be made to run like 20-30% faster. It's not huge but it's something.

Someday I might even commit my changes to SVN so that vergec is faster... That is once I find the end of this damned rainbow and once I see that blue moon I've been looking for.

Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

It's not that slow, even. Sully runs okay enough on the GP2x, and the current version is running on only one of it's two CPUs. That's a 233mhz machine, btw.

Sure, there's room for improvement, but it's not "le terrible". At any rate, adding another function call to wrap a process is not costly enough to worry about.

Posted on 2006-08-31 20:21:26


If you take out bounds checks I will make you die!

Taking out bounds checks means crashes instead of error messages!

(Speeding up VC is a noble endeavour, though!)

Posted on 2006-09-01 19:27:55


You'll note that I said bounds checks in the released executable should be turned off by default. This is true. There needs to be a way to turn it on for when you are debugging but it's absolutely ludacris to leave it on all of the time. Bounds checking is a reasonably big slowdown, especially in vergec since it is interpreted. Turning it off loses nothing for the end user and, as a bonus, gives them a speed boost. This is a win-win situation.

Posted on 2006-09-01 21:00:42

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