Trying to change the EXE Icon
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Hi. I'm just wondering if someone could change the icon on the EXE file? I already made an icon for it, and I will put a splash screen as the opening bit to advertise the engine. I've tried to build the program myself, but It keeps saying

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '../oakra/debug/oakra.lib'

I've even tried to build a LIB file for oakra, but I keep getting dozens of errors. It's probibly due to the fact that I'm using Visual C++ 2005 Express to compile it. The only change that I would need is the Icon file and that's it.

Posted on 2007-03-13 01:50:45


Are you sure you have the most recent SVN build? Last I checked, oakra isn't used and is #ifdef'd out. I think that was a problem like a year ago. Update your checkout folder.

Within xerxes.h, SND_USE_OAKRA shouldn't be defined.

//sound configurations
#ifdef __WIN32__
#define SND_USE_FMOD
//#define SND_USE_OAKRA

Posted on 2007-03-13 09:02:02 (last edited on 2007-03-13 09:04:19)


I've checked and it has been disabled like you have stated it. I'm trying to build it with Visual C++ 2003, since Express doesn't seem to build at all without line after line of errors (some unusual ones like, Unable to open 'windows.h'. File does not exist. yada yada yada). I think that I should have someone else do it instead. It's only a small icon change and that's it.

Posted on 2007-03-13 11:00:49


You pretty much *need* Visual Studio C++ 2005. The thing is though, to get that to compile Verge, you also require the Windows Platform SDK and the Direct X 9 SDK.

Posted on 2007-03-13 12:44:55


A little correction, you need Windows Platform SDK only if you are using Visual C++ 2005 Express, not if you are using any "full" Visual Studio 2005 edition (Standard, Enterprise, etc)

Posted on 2007-03-13 16:05:40


Quote:Originally posted by Ioachim

A little correction, you need Windows Platform SDK only if you are using Visual C++ 2005 Express, not if you are using any "full" Visual Studio 2005 edition (Standard, Enterprise, etc)
Yeah, I noticed that when I put Visual Studio 2005 Enterprise on here.

Posted on 2007-03-13 18:49:57


I now managed to make the corona library to compile, but now I need help with compiling the DUMB library. I just got the errors as listed below.

c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(96) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'callback'
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(96) : error C2081: 'DUH_SIGRENDERER_CALLBACK' : name in formal parameter list illegal
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(96) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'callback'
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(96) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(96) : error C2059: syntax error : ','
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(96) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(111) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'callback'
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(111) : error C2081: 'DUH_SIGRENDERER_ANALYSER_CALLBACK' : name in formal parameter list illegal
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(111) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'callback'
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(111) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(111) : error C2059: syntax error : ','
c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\verge source\dumb\src\core\rendsig.c(112) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

These are the only errors that show up right now.

Posted on 2007-03-24 15:29:49 (last edited on 2007-03-24 15:38:14)


VERGE uses DUMB? I thought FMOD handled all the module crap...
But if it does (which I personally don't advocate, as FMOD is leagues faster, even if DUMB is more accurate), are you build the library using the custom Makefile which (should) be included with the DUMB source?
But yeah, I don't think VERGE uses DUMB anyways.

Posted on 2007-03-24 22:12:23

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