verge.cfg parsing bug
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1) mountX doesn't count tabs as whitespace. To wit...

mount1 v3splash320.vpk good, and...

mount1 v3splash320.vpk bad. Very bad.

2) not a bug perse, but there aren't really any proper comments in verge.cfg. They'd be handy in making verge.cfg self-instructing. Right now it seems like it errors out on the first invalid line, so I put comments at the bottom of the file, but having # and //-prefixed lines intermixed like an apache configuration file would be relatively simple and go a long way towards removing all future confusion.

Posted on 2005-06-14 01:14:47


Ok. I've re-worked the verge.cfg parsing. The new rules are:

* Lines must be < 1024. We can change this number if we want.
* The key for a line is the first string of non-whitespace chars.
* If the key starts with # or //, the line is ignored. If there is no key, the line is ignored.
* The value for the line is the next string of non-whitespace chars. (This means no spaces in values!) If there is no value, '' is used.
* Anything after the value on a line is ignored.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Posted on 2005-06-26 22:08:52

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