Verge screen blitting
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Currently windows verge uses directdraw and linux/mac use OpenGL and SDL. OpenGL seems to work OK but it's a bit slow. That might not be a big problem as anything over the refresh rate is wasted anyway. Really, human vision is such that anything over 24 FPS looks like continuous motion. But I digress... The reason for this post is that I'd like to see all PC platforms use the same screen blitting code. That obviously drops DX out of the running because it doesn't run anywhere but windows. Now the OpenGL code generates very nice looking screens even if you shrink or expand the window. It's just a little slower than DX (actually its around 3-4 times slower right now.) I believe that I can use just SDL and still be able to support window resizing. I'll have to check on the speed.

My question is, does this interest anyone else, being able to simplify the code by having one code path? And can anyone else come up with a better library or way to blit that is crossplatform and fast?

Posted on 2006-02-13 10:49:46

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