_version woes
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Okay, Jesse, looks like we gots our wires crossed. Since _version already existed, and was a string, (previously defined as 'Verge 3.0b1', the new one should be defined as a string too (already causing problems, woes!).)

We've got a suggestion of 'Verge 3.0b2 2005.07.03' so it can have the useful data in it still.

Posted on 2005-07-02 23:25:16


Or perhaps just 'Verge3 YYYYMMDD' so it's easier to parse and compare.

Posted on 2005-07-02 23:29:22


How about we let _version be some human-readable version string (which could be, for example, 'Verge3.5 - The Clam Version' and let _build be the YYYYMMDD build id as an int? That way, games could test against _build and display _version to the user?

For this release in particular, grue, I think that version string would be fine.

Posted on 2005-07-03 08:16:45

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