VILAR: Verge IntelliSense Library And Reassembler
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Here is v0.1
Basically, when complete, this will allow you to write your Verge game code in C# (or even VB). When compiled, a built-in utility will automatically reassemble your code into VergeC. You will need Visual C#.NET 2005 Express to run this.

Q: Why?
A: Cause I love IntelliSense.

Q: Need help?
A: YES PLEASE! Any developers to create the IntelliSense libraries would be welcome. And of course I may need help with the reassembler.

Q: Will it be able to use Visual Studio to debugging?
A: No, sorry.


Posted on 2006-11-02 18:38:50


Nice idea but...
Please don't post two almost empty classes calling it v0.1... It might sound rude, but first do some work, and the post a version.

Please extend the info of how you intend to implement it, I'm very interested in the idea

Posted on 2006-11-02 21:10:16


Heh heh... they're supposed to be empty. I spent almost an hour creating the General class. The point is to write absolutely pointless code to C#, and have it translated to VC. I'll work on the reassembler before I make any more classes, so you see what this is all about.

Posted on 2006-11-03 09:35:48


Hows your progress, bud?

Posted on 2007-01-22 01:59:14

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