Work in progress: cross platform maped
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As I said before somewhere around here, I started the effort to make maped Mono compilant.

After a days of work, I got it to open, and edit the map on linux.

This screenshot was taken on Ubuntu 7.10, with maped running on Mono 1.2.3:
Maped3 on Ubuntu

I still have to (sadly) strip off corona form it, clean a lot of code (maped codebase is messy as hell), and iron out a good bunch of bugs.

EDIT: I don't have a Mac, so I can't test compatibility for OS X, I'd appreciate if someone could help with that :)

Posted on 2007-09-02 19:18:44 (last edited on 2007-09-02 19:25:26)


Wow, this should seriously help those non-Windows developers. Nice work.

Posted on 2007-09-14 20:10:16


I personally believe that this Cross-Platform Editor should also be ported on Windows as well for easier upgrading.

Also, I think that a feature that should be enhanced upon is the VSP tile editor. I mean, I know it's easy to import images from files, but I also think that it should be possible to modify if--for example--you realize that the grass tile you've imported is too light/dark and you just need to change it. The only problem with the tile editor is the fact that the controls are too limiting, and you can easily mess up if you choose the wrong colors. Brush/Circles/Boxes/Lines tools would be nice. Color Selection Tool is a must (for in the tile and for off-screen color selection)

Misc. features that are more desirable than anything is the ability to preview how the tile is going to tile (maybe real-time preview?), Brightness/Contrast, Special Effects, ability to edit a selection of tiles at once (useful for creating buildings or any object larger than the tile size), easier to rearrange the tiles for easier editing, Transform controls (rotation, mirror, offset), and unlimited undo. I can't think of anything else to add to it, but these are just simply suggestions that I believe should be added.

Posted on 2007-10-02 23:20:01


This version is just a modification of the current Verge source, and runs without any problem in Windows. In fact, the program in the screenshot was compiled in windows using Visual Studio 2005, and run on Ubuntu 7.04 using Mono 1.2.3

As for new features, as soon as I'm done replacing all the incompatible code and fixing the misc bugs that appear on the process, I'll start a poll to decide which ones the world wants.

Posted on 2007-10-04 10:04:59


Loachim, do you want a svn account for this?

Would you make it publically accessible?

Would you, could you, with a fox?
Would you, could you, in a box?

Posted on 2007-10-05 15:57:56


According to the Mono page, the next version of .NET is NOT open source. I'm just letting everyone know.

Posted on 2007-10-07 22:00:46


EDIT: spaceseel, sorry, completely misread your post, but anywaym what has that to do with the project? XD

In other news, I uploaded it to the SVN, to a new branch.

Posted on 2007-10-15 11:47:23 (last edited on 2007-10-15 13:45:11)

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