A useful little verge 3 gadget...
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It's a little demo I cooked up to help me make Sully Complete's configuration menu. I figured before I coded it, I should find out what to expect.

It saddens me that my PoV hat on my gamepad doesn't show up at all... since that's what I prefer to use for directionals. :(

Posted on 2004-04-26 11:29:09


nice, I remember rane doing somethin like this for v2 back in the day... only his was hardcoded dos c++ =p

Posted on 2004-04-26 12:38:28 (last edited on 2004-04-26 12:39:12)


It saddens me that my PoV hat on my gamepad doesn't show up at all... since that's what I prefer to use for directionals. :(

Hay, me too! Well, with V3 the analog stick thing on mine works pretty well for walking anyway, but for menus and stuff, a D-pad like thing is always better. On a side note, I wish I could find a utility that lets me use my PoV hat for directionals in Dos. I keep finding joy2key or joy2mouse shit but never a hat2axis thing or something. I am seriously considering making my own USB HID driver. But that is probably far beyond my skills. :(

Posted on 2004-04-27 02:33:06

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