A* V1.0
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also if you're not using 1.2, that writePath function wont work...

Posted on 2004-05-30 07:43:59


Your assumption was right. I was using V1.0. Can't tell why, I was absolutly sure that I used V1.2.
Anyway, I'm now REALLY using V1.2 and paths gives me the correct steps.
It seems that paths has a value of 2 for the first step. Not a real problem, I just subtract 1 if paths is greater 0. But I'm curious why this is so. Is that a quirk from A*, or maybe because you track the path from the endpoint to the start?

Posted on 2004-05-30 13:35:49


that is weird... I dunno, it all works though so I'm happy =p

Posted on 2004-05-30 20:00:00


Like I said, not really a problem.
And I'm too quite happy that it works so good :)

Posted on 2004-05-30 21:48:14

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