Here is another, bigger AA font (Humanist26x23):
This one works with variable width.
And RageCage, may I ask why you didn't used FontHeight() and TextWidth for the calculation of the dimensions? In my opinion that way it would be more versatile:
****Alpha Font function by Tristan Michael***
****Method is credited to Toen.**************
**********Last Updated: 6/7/2004*************
void printAlpha(int x, int y, int dest, int font, int color, string txt){
int width=TextWidth(font, txt);
int height=Fontheight(font);
int fill=newImage(width, height);
rectFill(0,0,width, height,color,fill);
int alphaFont=newImage(width, height);
rectFill(0,0,width, height,0,alphaFont);