Displaying 21-26 of 26 total.
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I really appreciate your thoughts on this guys. You've given me a wealth of information that I'm going to refer back to while I rework this. Thanks again.
Posted on 2005-04-13 21:52:13
Rysen rocks my balls. Good work mate.
Posted on 2005-04-13 23:11:58
BUG ALERT!!!!!!!!!!
You can use 'Pray' multiple times in one turn by continually mashing the Enter button on the command.
Posted on 2005-04-18 16:56:42
Quote:Originally posted by CrazyAznGamer
BUG ALERT!!!!!!!!!!
You can use 'Pray' multiple times in one turn by continually mashing the Enter button on the command.
Yeah, it's the same for Charity's 'Focus' as well. It was one of the known issues in the readme. It has since been fixed. Thanks though. :)
Posted on 2005-04-18 17:10:00
I love this demo, it's quite impressive. However, the obscenely high random encounter rate caused me to exit it quickly. I might give it another chance later, but encountering a group of enemies every 5 steps kind of ruins my fun :(
Posted on 2005-04-22 03:39:11
Bah, you can win most battles in like 2-3 actions, and the only real 'dungeon' is like 3 tiny rooms. don't be a wuss.
Posted on 2005-04-22 16:01:59