An idea for an HoV competition
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Yeah, I know there won't be an HoV contest for quite some time, but...

I read mastercain's suggestion for a "community town" type thing while downloading the huge library of old V1 games at the same time. There's a great wealth of unfinished ideas there. So it hit me:

How about an HoV contest where each contestant has to pick an old, obscure V1/V2 demo and attempt to finish it? Judges would have to make sure that no one team has an unfair advantage by picking a "nearly finished" or highly regarded demo (like NeoCity or The Silver Circle), and that all entrys have had fairly similar "pre-development".

Obviously, if still possible, the original authors of the demos should be contacted for permission to work on their game.

I think it would make a good theme to celebrate all the years that Verge has been in existance. Perhaps as a V3 official release HoV or an "Eight-Years-of-Verge Anniversary (or however dang old the Verge legacy is) HoV".

Or perhaps I'm just being stupid.


Posted on 2004-09-03 18:43:04

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That's... a very interesting idea.

On one hand: yeah! Right on!

On the other... Do I really want someone else finishing "SotS" before I do? :(

Posted on 2004-09-03 18:58:16

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Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue
On the other... Do I really want someone else finishing "SotS" before I do? :(
How about not letting people use games that are still being worked on in the competition? I'm a bit too busy to participate at the moment, but it is a good idea :)

Posted on 2004-09-03 20:38:12

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Heh. Hm.

The "I really mean it this time" compo? ;D

Posted on 2004-09-03 22:03:16

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There are a ton of no-hoper games it'd be fun to finish, but yeah, probably best to stick to games that are either admittedly long dead, or were goofy one-shots like Shitty Game.

Also, if I could finish SotS it would be so awesome. I'd add one room at the very end, and put a Triforce piece there, and Onam holds the triforce piece up and music plays and the screen fades to black.

Posted on 2004-09-03 22:09:08

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Blimpo Warrior 2 Turbo

Posted on 2004-09-04 00:48:34

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Blimpo Warrior 2 Turbo Alpha Extreme.

also. i like this idea. it sounds fun.

Posted on 2004-09-04 05:56:43

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It sounds cool. Oh the nostalgia!

Posted on 2004-09-04 08:43:26

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Quote:Originally posted by grenideer

It sounds cool. Oh the nostalgia!

Getting all of those old v1/v2 games to work with win xp?

Posted on 2004-09-04 11:07:08

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Yeah, even without the pains of script conversion, just map and chr conversion is a great pain.

Also, some old authors might not be reachable for permission.

Posted on 2004-09-04 20:09:52

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Bleh. I guess the idea's a little bit too controversial to work flawlessly.
Like gayo said, one would be better off sticking to demos that have been declared dead projects with no chance of revival by their original authors.
Yes, and of course the problem with some old authors not being reachable.

Waaahh, it sounded so good in theory... :-(

Posted on 2004-09-04 21:19:41

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How about we just wait for the Sully point release, then use the assets within to build an "area", consisting of 1-5 maps. You're allowed to build with a theme, and the existing tiles, or create new ones.

You're not looking to build a storylined area - just an interesting place to wander, with NPC's, oddities, shops . Then we staple all the areas onto a basic "hub", then maybe add some kind of story?

Posted on 2004-09-04 22:44:09

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How about that community town thing, but each entrant makes a separate area for the same game, and you put it all together? It would be terribly dysjointed. And fun.

Posted on 2004-09-05 00:38:59

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Evilbob gave to me a brilliant concept that will be the next HoV's basis.

I shall not give it away yet. However, it will be groovetastic.

The question now is: when do you cats want to dance?

Or, for the inane-metaphorically challanged:

When do you guys want the next compo to be?

Posted on 2004-09-05 00:41:15

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Well, that depends. What do you think is a reasonable time-frame for the previous HoV entrants to finish their games?

I'd say, probably in time for the Xmas holidays.

Posted on 2004-09-05 17:45:14

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Well, I have something else planned for winter break.

This'll probably be a 10-day compo, just to give two weekends to play in.

Posted on 2004-09-05 17:48:50

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I suggest a 1HoV. In the spirit of 1OHC (1 hour tracking compos), teams have exactly one hour to throw together a game. I know I could do one decent song in that time!

Posted on 2004-09-06 04:35:42

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An 8HoV might be neat once more advanced libs are out, but it'd have to be REALLY lenient about graphics.

Posted on 2004-09-06 06:02:44

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Quote:Originally posted by Gayo


Posted on 2004-09-07 00:39:52 (last edited on 2004-09-07 00:40:05)

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