Anyone know of any Final Fantasy Tactics-style Verge games?
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I'm currently working on a game that will have a combat system similar to Final Fantasy Tactics (or Shining Force, etc.). I just started coding the combat system today, currently combat consists of a diamond-shaped pattern of translucent blue boxes denoting where you can move (if you have move of 3, you can move up/down/left/right/diagonally 3 squares, diagonals count as 2), an icon which is just one of those blue boxes with a white border which shows which box you have currently selected (this can be moved around by the arrow keys to any of the blue highlighted boxes, but prevents you from moving more then your maximum), and moving the cursor to a particular square and hitting enter will move your character to that square. Each square is 16x16 pixels (like a regular tile).

Then combat ends :-) But at least it's a start. I was wondering if any similar style verge games were out there, so I can take a look and see what they did with it.

Posted on 2005-05-06 00:53:04



There's a few variants of tactics systems from the past. Basil did a tactics system (not FFTish, though)

Dirty tactics 2.0 (patch)

I did, like two years ago and in winv2, a Shining Force / FFT style demo called Hero Rancher, and although the battle system's logic never got in, the battle system's pathfinding and targetting systems were. It may be worth checking out, but I have hazy and dim memories of the whole venture.

There have been others, I think, but these stand out in my mind.

Posted on 2005-05-06 01:43:00


Hmm...yes, the Hero Rancher combat is pretty much what I'm looking for. It looks and works a hell of a lot better then mine does, but then again I haven't written code in nearly 2 years and I just started yesterday :-)

I assume it isn't a problem if I take a look at your source code to see how you did things? I'm not looking to copy anything someone else has done, but I'm sure I'll get stuck here and there.

Posted on 2005-05-06 03:04:27


Oh, no problem at all. The main dilemma with the hero rancher source is that, well, it's v2.

And not only that, but a lot of it uses DMA stuff. So not only is the syntax different, but it's inherantly voodoo.

However, there are several things that should be somewhat sane, like the targetting methodology and the pathfinding. But I wrote a lot of that on a caffiene-and-nicotine 48-hour bender, so I don't recall how much of it will be readable, or in fact 'sane'.

But yeah, feel free to dig in! :D

Posted on 2005-05-06 03:07:27


Interesting stuph! *downloads*

Posted on 2005-05-06 11:16:27


Out of interest Parslip are you going for a combat system completly like Shining Force or are you throwing in some other things as well, or even going scary and doing something like Disgaea? When I know I can do it I hope I can program something similar but I'm interested in how someone else has designed it. I did see a site a while back that explained what all the stats for the characters meant but I've not found it again.

Posted on 2005-05-06 12:08:03


Well, this project is going to be a joint effort from my gaming guild, so at this point (only a week into working on this) we aren't really sure what we will be doing. For the most part, since I will probably be the only one coding for now (all of our skilled programmers work full time and want to come home and play video games, not program some more), it's going to be simple.

However, I was intending to make as much of the game as innovative as possible. The idea being that each guild member who participates gets to have his/her own character means we will have a lot of funky and strange characters involved, from a ninja who uses dictionairies and poptart shirukens to an irish spirit stuck in limbo (he is unable to play video games due to work atm).

Posted on 2005-05-06 13:58:55

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