Are y'all college students?
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My curiosity is going to kill me one of these days. Meow.

Posted on 2005-05-08 22:19:01


University student in my last year. Computer Aided Design, to be specific. Horribly boring, I'm afraid.

Posted on 2005-05-09 04:11:23


Why? What do you learn/do in that field?

Posted on 2005-05-09 05:08:40


Not all of us are in college. I'm only in Grade 11. My current semester consists of Math, Chemistry, Travel, and Computer Engineering.

I should have taken Ancient History, but no... when I had a course conflict I picked 'Geography', not knowing it stood for 'Regional Geography' or 'Travel and Tourism'... The class consists of many boring assignments such as looking for trips I can never afford to go on via the Internet and explaining why we want to go on them.

I also must note I hate Computer Engineering, course conflicts forced me to take it instead of Computer Science, so I have to take the two remaining Computer Sciences next year. I'd probably like it, if I didn't have to use the crappy programming environment of 'Turing' again... That, and we had a substitute for 8 weeks who knew nothing about circuits and walked away when people asked for help. Yeah, fun stuff.

Posted on 2005-05-09 06:48:51


That's good to know. Although I'm graduating from high school in a mere 2 weeks, it's still nice to know that there are less-ancient people around too. :)

Tourism? *points finger and laughs* Jk, just messing with ya. Seriously, I feel ya man.

Computer Engineering... *shudder*.

So, overkill, do you know where you're going to Major in college yet? I'm starting my ComSci degree in 3 months.

Posted on 2005-05-09 08:33:34


College freshman. I need a life goal...

Posted on 2005-05-09 09:52:14


Then make one. :)

Posted on 2005-05-09 11:12:01


Check this out:

A teach showed it to me. It really helps for those who are lost and solidify the goals for one who already have them in mind. ^_^'

Posted on 2005-05-09 11:14:54


I so stunk at that thing. I couldn't think of the two most important people. Well, after thought immediately came Dad and best friend, but, whoops! Too late. And identifying mission statements? I got one or two...nothing I didn't already know...I guess I'm not good at that kind of quiz.

Then again after my initial failure I decided not to complete it all the way through. Anyway...

Posted on 2005-05-09 13:23:58


I'm about to graduate from highschool but I've been in the community since junior high

Posted on 2005-05-09 16:37:09


I'm a graduate student in Computer Science. Finished my Bachelor's over a year ago, and figured I'd take it to the next level.

Posted on 2005-05-10 00:57:28


Quote:Originally posted by Joewoof

Why? What do you learn/do in that field?

My course is horribly boring because they're not teaching a great deal of what I'm here to learn. There is not enough computer in my aided design. Also, what I DO learn that's relevant is taught in the most stale unexciting way that I'm surprised I haven't gone to sleep in a lecture yet. Sigh..

Posted on 2005-05-10 03:09:54


Damn... that sucks.

Posted on 2005-05-10 03:13:54


I m a college student studying multimedia n stuff. been verging on n off (off most of the time due to gaming :p) since V1. i actually used verge for a group project (thanks to those ppl who replied my forum posts- i appreciate ur help!), everything except the system n gui were ripped :p. lecturer knew about it but still gave us an A hahaha. now currently using the old system that i made for my double module project. will be uploading it somewhere once its complete!

btw, happy belated bday to vecna... :p

Posted on 2005-05-11 17:46:59 (last edited on 2005-05-11 17:48:26)


I may as well post: I'm an undergrad Computer Science major. I have less than a year's worth of credits left to get before I graduate. This summer I'm taking an introductory Latin course and a course on the history of, and techniques for playing, guitars, to use up the last of my free electives. I'm currently attempting to arrange a job to start after my summer classes and then carry on while I finish my last few courses and afterwards. I plan to get out of school when I'm done because any further education would be fairly unfeasible due to grade-, finance-, and sanity-related reasons. At least for now.

That said, I've been programming since I was twelvish, and I really don't think school has done a whole lot for me as a programmer other than given me an undodgable reason to practice. My writing and art 'abilities' are all completely self-cultivated (aside direction from friends and family and a couple of English classes at the high school level).

Yay for self-directed learning!

P.S. I am feeling rambley and tired. Please don't extapolate any larger opinions about me from this particular post.

Posted on 2005-05-11 20:52:31


I've been making games since I was seven. ^^' I guess it's a lifelong passion and a childhood dream.

Posted on 2005-05-12 02:57:56


Not a college student. I was one about 5 years ago. I may go back some day, but right now I have too many bills to pay (which means I have to work, which means I have less time for Verge).

Posted on 2005-05-27 15:42:43



Posted on 2005-05-28 02:35:05

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