CHRMAK5 Issue?
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Ok. I tried to convert a hi-color PNG to a v3 chr with CHRMAK5. The CHR in question isn't finished so I set the animation of all the directions in the MAK file to just one frame. Each frame is 32x32. Tha MAK looks like this:

chr_version 5
in plr-1.pcx
out plr-1.chr
frame_w 32
frame_h 32
frames_per_row 5
frame_rows 6
d_idle 0
u_idle 6
l_idle 11
r_idle 16
d_walk F0
u_walk F6
l_walk F11
r_walk F16

Running it through CHRMAK5 seems to be fine: the CHR file is generated ok. I dumped it in the Sully demo, replacing Darin to test it out (since my test map doesn't work properly on account of there not being an entity layer).

It crashed Sully without any errors. Argh! I've tried a multitude of tests, including adding an entity that uses the CHR file and the like but each time VERGE breaks down.

Am I doing something wrong or is CHRMAK5 more fragile than I thought?

Posted on 2004-04-08 23:16:15


I'm not sure but I think chrmak only listens to .pcx files

Posted on 2004-04-09 00:52:16


chrmak uses corona so it should load almost any image.
however you said it was a .PNG file but your .MAK file uses a .pcx filename ?

Posted on 2004-04-09 04:11:25


I got this one too. When I added wait at the end of the walking scripts, the problem disappeared. So, d_walk F0 would crash the game, but d_walk F0W10 works fine.

Posted on 2004-04-09 08:14:56


Aren't you supposed to always have some sort of wait between each frame even if there's only one? I mean I think V2chr.exe would flicker badly if there wasn't any waits, even in a one-frame animation.

Posted on 2004-04-09 15:40:10


Hmm, yeah, that makes sense. The way v3 (engine) handles chr animations is MUCH cleaner than v2 or v1, however, it makes sense that it would bork up if there is no waits, because it would assign that frame value to last for 0 ticks = not at all. However, CHRMAK should probably print out a warning or error if you pass something with no waits.

Posted on 2004-04-09 21:45:34


you said it was a .PNG file but your .MAK file uses a .pcx filename ?

Woops. Sorry about that, I copied the most recent version of the MAK file, in which I tested it on a PCX too. I'll try it with waits.

A solution to this is that CHRMAK5 should look for single frame animations and add the wait on itself if it doesn't find one, telling the user what its doing when it displays its progress (along the lines of "Single-frame animation found with no frame delay: adding a wait time of 10 to end of script").

Posted on 2004-04-09 23:32:45

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