COMPO: 168 HoV the Debugging Grand Prix!
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The future for this site will hold a dedicated HoV section, with a full archive of the past, clear rules for judges and contestants and supplicants of all types, and love. Lots of love.

However, in the reborn seat-of-the-pants spirit of v1 that's been reincarnated in the form of v3, I'm organizing this here first competition on the quick and loose.

We'll keep this simple, shall we?


  1. All submissions must be in v3.
  2. All submissions must use at least 1 map. This is to promote people using maped so we get feedback so it becomes polished very quickly!
  3. All submissions must be uploaded to the V3: Contest directory no later than 11:59 PM EST on 2004.04.11
  4. Submissions may have a maximum of 3 people working on them.
  5. A person may be a part of as many submissions as possible.
  6. All submissions must be tied in to the theme of Insects, Talkative sea-life, or Phoenixes.


  1. There are three judges, whose identities will not be revealed until the contest is over and judging begins.
  2. Each judge will assign a ranking to each entry. The top 3 scores are acknowledged as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. All others place at runner-up. If there are 9 or more entries, each judge gets an extra "judges choice" award for a runner up that they rather liked. (oh man, it's all State Fair)
  3. Judges are obligated to give a modest writeup describing the strengths and weaknesses of each game, to serve as constructive criticism for the submittor.


  1. 1st prize: we will design a sully-style sprite based on a photograph of you, and you will be placed into a situation in either the completed version of Sully 1 or Sully 3 (depending on what's more suiting). Your character will be vital in some form of sidequest. We will allow suggestions as to the scenario your character would be put into, and things your character will say, but do reserve final artists right.
  2. 2nd and 3rd prize: We will make a character based on your likeness and instert this character into Sully 1 or 3 in the generic role of your choice (Town Greeter, Shopkeeper, maniac running around a tree, etc...). As with 1st place, we will listen to modest suggestions about what your character will do, but reserve final say.
  3. All members of a team of the 1st,2nd, or 3rd place prize win their own characters.
  4. All contestants, no matter what, get their name added to the Sully Chronicles Complete credits as Beta Testers, and anyone who has not earned a forum avatar will be granted that privledge.

And that's that. Note that I'm reserving the right to extend this contest in the case of the debugging efforts finding something severe that hampers some/most people from progressing. Otherwise, the deadline is set.

Game on. Rock out.

Edit: In case it's not clear from it's omission, there are *no standards* other than the rules given. You may make any kind of game (although RPG types are favored), you may use ripped art or art that was not specifically made for this compo, you may use music and sfx from other things, you may use system code from other v3 projects! However, put any recycled content to good use, for originality and awesomeness do matter in the eyes of the Judges.

Posted on 2004-04-05 07:46:24 (last edited on 2004-04-05 22:05:51)


What is this, E2?

Edit: Context explanation!
This original post said "This is a nodeshell to be filled later" before he put the content in it for some reason. I was complaining. Because that is lame.

Posted on 2004-04-05 08:10:46 (last edited on 2004-04-05 08:47:04)


What's E2?


Posted on 2004-04-05 08:25:13


I hate both of you.

Posted on 2004-04-05 08:44:48


But you love me, right?

Hey, this compo looks awesome, but I doubt I'll have much time this week. You'll still accept our games even if they suck, right?

Posted on 2004-04-05 14:21:28


Uh...I'll try and do something. But I already have another V3 game pending release once the music is done...

Posted on 2004-04-05 15:30:29 (last edited on 2004-04-05 16:03:39)


Alright, I'll join up. It would have been nice to ahve a little advance warning, but anyhow; I'll see what I can do.

Posted on 2004-04-05 20:19:24


Overkill: you could always like, put a map, in like, the credits or something, and submit the game you were already working on. :D

Posted on 2004-04-05 20:55:49


Hey, this compo looks awesome, but I doubt I'll have much time this week. You'll still accept our games even if they suck, right?

Games that suck are still part of HoV history! So yes! ;)

Posted on 2004-04-05 20:59:19


Alright, I'll join up. It would have been nice to ahve a little advance warning, but anyhow; I'll see what I can do.

A little advance warning? Like this newspost? ;)

Posted on 2004-04-05 21:00:29


This has just been added to the main post:

"In case it's not clear from it's omission, there are *no standards* other than the rules given. You may make any kind of game (although RPG types are favored), you may use ripped art or art that was not specifically made for this compo, you may use music and sfx from other things, you may use system code from other v3 projects! However, put any recycled content to good use, for originality and awesomeness do matter in the eyes of the Judges."

...also, I will be available most of this week in #vergehelp to give help. 'Help' is not defined as 'becoming your main debugger' or 'coding your game'. I will help, though.

Posted on 2004-04-05 22:07:45


Alright! Fear the suckage! Speaking of which, if anyone needs some original music for their project, let me know. I don't think I'll have time to make a whole game on my own.

Posted on 2004-04-05 22:31:18


I'm leaving on Thursday and won't be back before Sunday.
Also my laptop charger died. I'm sad.

Posted on 2004-04-05 23:06:53


That was me.

Posted on 2004-04-05 23:07:23


Mythril! You have 3-4 days! Be quick and make an early submission! :D

Posted on 2004-04-05 23:59:29


Overkill: you could always like, put a map, in like, the credits or something, and submit the game you were already working on. :D

Are you serious? You'll accept submissions that have already been worked on, with just a map thrown in?

Somehow, this wouldn't feel right if I did this. I had like 3 weeks to work on this game, and uh...that would sort of be unfair to the people who have only one week, right?

Posted on 2004-04-06 15:07:38


Uh, well... this is a lose competition and does allow use of prexisting code/art/music, but I would prefer if the spirit of the rule was upheld and not the letter of the rule.

You may use pre-existing systems, but only if the game you make for the contest is significantly different from the game it was originally made for, to the point that you'd be satisfied calling them two different games.

And I would also prefer that the mandatory map play some sort of role that a map is ideally suited for. You *can* make this just a flashback scene if you want to ustilize the entity scripting to make things happen, but use your discretion.

A quarter of my scoring will be on adherance to the rules. I cannot speak for the other two judges.

Posted on 2004-04-06 15:12:34


Heh.. Oh well. In all fairness, I don't think I'll use the game I've worked on, even though I could easily alter it to where all the stages use real V3 maps instead of my primitive ascii textfile map format :P. It's already in a completed state minus the music, so it would be pretty unfair to those who've just got a little less than a week left :P By completed, I mean 17 stages, final boss, cheesy intro/ending, easy/hard mode, high scores list, etc...

Posted on 2004-04-06 15:30:50


Sounds good! I eagerly await both your compo entry and your 'real' game :D

Posted on 2004-04-06 15:59:54


Again, I'm free to do music! But you have to hurry if you want me, I'm busy (OK, not really).

And your game sounds awesome rpgking.

Posted on 2004-04-07 17:52:12

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