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What's's policy on games that include ripped sprites (for which the game author doesn't hold the copyright)? Will it refuse to host the games?

Posted on 2004-04-14 23:58:30


I think our policy for the moment is don't-ask-don't-tell. ^_^

If we receive a DMCA request to remove something, we probably would, but in general, this stuff is so obscure that we stay 'below the radar'.

Moreover, we simply dont have time to check everything that's uploaded to see if they have ripped graphics. And we have no legal burden to police that. Sooo yeah whatever!

Posted on 2004-04-15 00:15:02 (last edited on 2004-04-15 04:21:19)


It depends. IS there a law forbidding use of copyright graphics in a non-commercial media? If so, then any website that has ever posted a screenshot is probably liable for copyright infringement.

I think this probably has to do with one of those super-freaky derivative works laws or something.

I think the solution is simple. If you add a clause somewhere in the beginning (like the title screen) that says

"so-and-so game or character (the one I ripped) copyright so and so company."

Because you have then acknowleged that those works are not your own, you are probably safe from legal worries provided you remove the offending material should they contact you and ask you to (fat chance, more likely they'll ask the host to remove it). Furthermore, since it is a non-commercial work, and that there was no money involved either in the distributing or creating of the work with regards to said materials, they would have a very hard time suing you for damages, considering there weren't any.

Posted on 2004-04-19 01:46:05


You probably want to read up on the Fair Use law. Sprite comics like 8-bit theatre claim their use.

Posted on 2004-04-19 01:49:24


Whether or not this sort of thing constitutes fair use is a bit ambiguous, and frankly, it probably doesnt. Think: TMOL.

Posted on 2004-04-19 02:33:12




Posted on 2004-04-19 22:37:15


True Meaning of Life, aka - used to be a site similar to converatron but it was forced to change formats to its current rather less cool state because it used video game characters and such as gurus.

Posted on 2004-04-20 00:07:15


This is the lawsuit economy after all. Large companies or teams of lawyers who buy out patents galore have had their way and banished the word "fair use" to the land of lost dreams.


However, any lawyer who wishes to pursue the VERGE community obviously ran out of richer victims to pilfer;)

--You will be ordered to pay the plaintiff in the amount of the two nickels, the bent penny and the cheetoh you found underneath the couch.

Posted on 2004-04-20 01:45:29 (last edited on 2004-04-20 04:21:38)


TMoL was forced out due to not being under Fair Use?

That's absurd.

Ripping game art to use in other games is very leery in Fair Use... Using Game Art in an advice column is not.

Posted on 2004-04-20 02:08:39


i don't see Zelda Classic having any trouble. ridiculousness :]

Posted on 2004-04-20 02:23:43 (last edited on 2004-04-20 02:25:30)


yeah, you don't see me sueing Square for "Final Fantasy". I mean, geesh, that was MY idea.

I like called Square and said, "Hey, [expletive deleted]! You gone and stole my [expletive deleted], [expletive deleted] idea!

And they were like all, "Igirisujin je nai desu", and I was all like, "Don't go quoting [expletive deleted] scripture to me! I'm looking for some compensation!"

Then they were like, "Eh? Squai suft? Pizza Squai. This Pizza Squai. Rong numba. Yu funny tho."

Then you don't wanna know what happened after that.

[I know, this should be in castle heck but I'm tired and lonely;) ]

Posted on 2004-04-20 04:31:43


We feel your pain. Good story though.

Posted on 2004-04-20 14:10:32


Hi guys,

I didn't change TMOL because of any legal reasons, I changed it primarily for creative reasons. I just didn't like doing Q&A anymore. Secondarily, I also wanted to start getting advertisements; I had tried advertising once before, and it personally did not feel right, to me, to be potentially getting money off of someone else's characters.

Posted on 2004-04-30 05:18:33


Ah, cool. I figured it was probably a personal choice after viewing a lot of other sites that use copyrighted figures, but your forums and FAQ didn't lend much in the way of an answer.

Of course, I got bored with seeking the answers after an hour or so. ;)

When the old TMOL disappeared was the second time I saw Toen panic. The first, for the record, is when Goatse disappeared.

Thanks for clearing that up! Also, keep up with the articles :)

Posted on 2004-04-30 05:46:45


omg the tmol guy posted here.


Posted on 2004-04-30 07:50:44


Quote:Originally posted by MattG

Hi guys,

I didn't change TMOL because of any legal reasons, I changed it primarily for creative reasons. I just didn't like doing Q&A anymore. Secondarily, I also wanted to start getting advertisements; I had tried advertising once before, and it personally did not feel right, to me, to be potentially getting money off of someone else's characters.
Hi. Conversatron makes me sad.

Posted on 2004-04-30 09:25:10


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

The first, for the record, is when Goatse disappeared.

Wait a minute...Goatse disappeared?!

...I'd rather not go and confirm this though :P

Posted on 2004-04-30 17:30:25


It disappeared a few times recently for a short while. It jumped urls the first time, I think.

Posted on 2004-04-30 17:58:20


I'll have you know that using the phrase "It disappeared a few times recently for a short while. It jumped urls the first time, I think. " is a violoation of patent #76387623872366823372638746281020910950494850497854
which cleary states that all usages of the phrase:

"It disappeared a few times recently for a short while. It jumped urls the first time, I think. " is to be authorized by Evil Enterprises.

Or you can pay a license of 500$ per use per machine per person over the course of 5 months starting on a leap year.

Or get the "delux" license for a mere 4500$

Posted on 2004-04-30 23:15:21


Quote:Originally posted by geronimo

What's's policy on games that include ripped sprites (for which the game author doesn't hold the copyright)? Will it refuse to host the games?

Oh come on. Even the original V2 engine pack included an altered FF6 sprite template. Ripping off graphics is a long standing tradition.

Posted on 2004-04-30 23:16:49

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