Development on Other Platforms
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As Verge works so well on more than one platform as a binary...

...Is it possible to develop from another platform?

The language and files you use are very similar to C, is it possible to set up includes to compile using gcc?

How does this thing work, from a button-pushing point of view? Which file does what?


check.Runs on OSX
check.Uses MOD files
check.Uses WAV files

PS, the website was naughty. Not I.

Posted on 2006-01-10 08:04:40


It is technically possible to "develop" on Mac OS. Unfortunately, you'll be pretty severely hampered... we currently have no map editor or .chr file (for entities) maker for Mac OS. :(

Hopefully these things should be fixed in the nearish future!

I'm not sure if I actually answered your questions or not... I'll check again this evening, as I have sort of randomly become the closest we've got to a Mac developer (Jesse, the guy actually responsible for doing useful things on a Mac, is escaping to a different continent for several months). And right now I'm at work.

Also, if the site told you that you're a bad monkey because of trying to get the MAC Sully, yeah, there's something wrong with it. Go to the "downloads" section (via the top bar) and find it there. It should still be on the first page.

Posted on 2006-01-10 10:29:02


Pssh. Make your own map system :)

Posted on 2006-01-10 17:47:47


I'm willing to forgo the editor (I have .NET on the PC), if I could get a description of what files or what needed to be included to do my builds on the Mac.

The PC just isn't what I want to do any development on, besides, I can just use BBEdit and port over.

Finding a tool that does what I need is more what I'm looking for; I'm not afraid of coding, I just find there's a black art of 'what file does what thing' on each platform.

So... How should I go about compiling?


Posted on 2006-01-11 02:30:56


perhaps, Tools (MapEd, PackEd, Editor) should have been made with Java...

They say it's "write once, run anywhere!". (almost)

( has GZip class...)

Posted on 2006-01-11 05:18:29


There are java tools forthcoming.

Posted on 2006-01-11 10:34:42


Java is alot easier to write in, aside from silly things like changing your variable types mid-stream.

Anything I can do to help things along? Does anyone else run raw? Is that okay?

I'll run the builds on the PC if that's preferred use. It's just slower that way...


Posted on 2006-01-12 02:51:04


Originally posted by mcgrue

There are java tools forthcoming.

wow! a hint on what tool please?

Posted on 2006-01-12 05:13:06


Crissa: I'm going to see if I can get SVN working on my Mac this evening and figure out how Jesse built the Mac versions. I'm pretty certain he used gcc, but I'm not sure if there's any extra magical incantations involved.

As for what file does what... the only files that differ between the two builds are the files that begin with mac_ and win_ (one for the Mac, one for the Windows, obviously). What exactly each file does may or may not be documented somewhere in the file.

I still may not be answering your question. I assume it's the engine you're trying to build?

Creek: Aen has been doing a bunch of stuff involving map editors and so on. He has a blog where he talks about this stuff at

Posted on 2006-01-12 06:28:24


This is taking me longer to figure out than I anticipated. I know the basics though:

There is an .xcode file in the /mac directory. You should theoretically be able to just use that project to build it. You'll need to install SDL as well (from

Unfortunately I'm getting a strange error about not being able to search a particular framework. I'm a total newbie to using xcode, though, so I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it.

Posted on 2006-01-15 18:11:13


There we go. Turns out my error was actually with fmod.

If you get an error that mentions something like "libfmod.a's table of contents can't be read" or something, here's what you need to do.

- Open a Terminal.
- Go to the verge3 source directory
- Go into /fmod
- Type "ranlib libfmod.a"

Then you should be able to compile things just fine.

Posted on 2006-01-15 19:56:16


I visited Aen's site... is he making his own V3?

Posted on 2006-01-16 06:57:45


Has this been fixed yet o3o?
maybe with some third party support or something?

Posted on 2009-08-10 22:22:45


Ideally, I think the engine needs devtool like functionality, so people can roll their own tools using the engine itself.

Posted on 2009-08-17 10:19:12


There have been efforts to put that kind of functionality into VERGE, and the engine does now have the live-editing and file-writing functionality necessary to do it, know how these things go.

Posted on 2009-08-24 23:23:41

mcgrue do these things go, Gayo?

Posted on 2009-08-24 23:31:23


One of these days, i'm going to have to subject myself to the source code and see if I can't figure out a way to make VERGE do my bidding without Maped.

How many built-in systems can you really use without being able to create new maps anyway? Off the top of my head, all I can think of are the basic scripting commands, primitive graphics functionality and the music system.

Oviously the map system is out, Tiles are out. Layering is out. Entities are associated with maps, if only in terms of their co-ordinates.

A lot of those systems could be put to good use if they weren't basically inaccessible without a map being loaded. Maybe the ability to create a map approximately that fills the screen with a map that fills the current screen, and a way to load tiles? And a way to render the map to the bitmap of your choice, rather than to screen?

Maybe some of this is already possible, I don't know.


Posted on 2009-12-12 07:25:22


it is entirely possible to create your own editing tools using vc.... 2 suggestions for such a thing ...

1 way would be to create your own map format -- load up a strip of tiles to act as your vsp and slap it onto layers.

if u must have a real .map file --- then store your custom maps as files and have a that u use for all maps and u simply replace the tiles on it for every different map u switch to

dunno if im being clear enough tho :)

Posted on 2010-03-17 21:11:33

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