Diagonal EntityMove Scripting.... plz?
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I hear Verge will have diagonal EntityMove scripting later. But I'm impatient.
I want my artificially intelligent retards to move diagonally and gain an advantage! ... because they're sad.

...So... I'm probably going to be forced to code it myself.
I'm wondering about 2 things:

1. How can I code this efficiently (Like Love Machine efficient) while still retaining all of the animation in your walk... err... animation script.
2. Do characters in Verge move the same speed, or sqrt(2) times faster when moving diagonally?

Posted on 2005-11-27 20:43:41


I just wanted to say this isn't just "later" - it's already been added to the verge work-in-progress build. Your energy might be better spent in other ways.

This list of changes in the WIP is semi-complete:


Posted on 2005-11-27 22:08:29


Cool... so I can begin implementing the code now.
Interesting. Thanks.

Posted on 2005-11-28 20:02:58


Another question:

Would you be able to do pixel accurate diagonal movement?

Posted on 2005-12-10 16:52:22


I'm not sure if I'm understanding what you mean, but if you use the P modifier in your movestring with the diagonal directions, it should let you move diagonally any number of pixels.

EDIT: If you want to start working with this, you might check out aen's unofficial builds.

Posted on 2005-12-10 18:13:37 (last edited on 2005-12-10 18:16:19)


aen has a trenchcoat full of unofficial VERGEs. They're as good as the real thing for a fraction of the cost!

Posted on 2005-12-10 18:47:32


We should be making a new official build in the next month or so, but playing with Aen's WIP builds should suffice if you want to boogey down with the new doodads immediately. He's presently working on merging the changes into the main trunk today, even, so it's mostly kosher.

Posted on 2005-12-10 19:30:33


Good news: WEEE IT WORKS
Bad news: There are errors in the unofficial build (beta 4) concerning with #defines. Apparently, after...

struct Character
{ ... }
Character mastercharacter[MAX_CHARACTERS];
void ClearCharacter(int ind)
mastercharacter[ind].name = ""; //This here apparently produces an error that states "Expecting '.' but got '['
//And after commenting that out, later I have
int i;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; i++) //ERROR: Could not resolve identifier MAX_CHARACTERS

I have gone over my VC aplenty, and the thing compiles successfully on the last official build I keep for these dark moments.
I probably wouldn't say anything, but since the source is being merged into the main trunk, I just want to you to wary of these things.

I'll be seeing if beta 3 has the same error. I would compile the SVN myself, but I use Dev-CPP, and am too lazy to port the VisualC Project to it.

EDIT: Beta 3 works fine

Posted on 2005-12-19 14:50:50 (last edited on 2005-12-19 15:10:00)


yup I got the same thing and mentioned it in the talkbacks on Aen's journal. Wonder what happened to them between those versions?

Posted on 2005-12-20 12:13:49


Consulting the SVN log:

r22 | aen | 2005-12-11 01:25:24 -0400 (Sun, 11 Dec 2005) | 1 line

Fixed #define bug that was omitting the last character of the macro name. Bad aen!

Posted on 2005-12-20 13:51:52

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