Voting closed, results:
1. Frequencia 1x3 2x1 3x0 = 11 points
2. RomBin 1x1 2x1 3x2 = 7 points
3. How Do I Catched Ghosts? 1x0 2x2 3x2 = 6 points
Entries are availible at the contest site:
Voting format is as such:
1. (Game name)
2. (Game name)
3. (Game name)
First place is worth 3 points, second worth 2 points, and last worth one point. Points will be tallied up and the results posted on the contest site as well as edited into this post.
Registered accounts only are permitted for voting, voting for an entry you have worked on is prohibited. (Since there are only three entries, this means just skip the third place vote or don't vote altogether.)
Posted on 2006-07-21 23:13:53 (last edited on 2006-07-27 15:52:31)