Documentation section pending...
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Sorry about the delays, all. This week's been a really shitty week for me getting things done. However, I just got a clean 8-10 hours in on the documentation section, and I thought I'd take a break to show off a little:

(links open in new windows)

The main page of a library
The main editing page for a library
A view of a sub-chapter with functions attached

There's still a bit to do, like the function page, and then document user administration (setting it so multiple people can edit/moderate your documentation), but once those two features are in, we can go public with this and then we can have a parade of documentation; Not only for the engine and official utils, but also documentation for libraries and games!

For the keenly observant, or anyone paying any attention in the last month, the visual and functional model for this system was the doc system, although there was no code taken from it. They use a funky hardcore XML backend, whilst I just wanted a mysql/php backend. At any rate, I view their docs system as the best ever for online documentation, so I hope you all don't mind that vrpg docs will look and act in a very similar manner.

Please direct all comments to the space below this one.

[edit: oh yeah, and I need to finish the half-done widget-generation code. For that snippet that has things like (view mode options) and Last edited on (date) at (time) by (user). And, more importantly, has prev and next links to the previous and next chapter/subchapter/functions. Ugh, that won't be fun ;)]

Posted on 2004-05-22 22:18:03 (last edited on 2004-05-22 22:22:47)


Two words: Suh weet!
I didn't know the doc system would cover libraries and such, excellent idea.


Posted on 2004-05-22 22:50:03


I would not have wasted 2 weeks on this task if it was only for the admins. That'd've been a stupid misappropriation of my time :(

As it is, I want to horribly burn the codebase just to watch the pretty flames. Because, really, that'd be the only thing pretty about this system at this point.

Thinice, you so-and-so, where the crap did you go? ;)

Posted on 2004-05-22 22:59:57


wow, very cool

Posted on 2004-05-22 23:04:36


Ham functions?
VergeC 3 - it will change your view on coding!

Posted on 2004-05-24 23:36:04

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