Does anyone here like to work with electronics?
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I'm going to be a freshman at University of Houston next year, for Electrical Engineering, and...

Posted on 2005-06-18 15:43:50


I know there are people in the fora (forum + forum = fora) right now. OK... not now. See if I care...sulk...

Posted on 2005-06-18 16:08:30 (last edited on 2005-06-18 16:24:18)


Quote:Originally posted by yhnmzwcs

I know there are people in the fora (forum + forum = fora) right now. OK... not now. See if I care...sulk...

forum + forum = forums :D

At any rate, I like to program interfaces for electronics, but I despise wiring. In fact, I went through my whole Grade 11 Computer Engineering course without wiring a single circuit! Awesome, no?

Posted on 2005-06-18 17:06:27


It's not my major, but I do a bit of it. Did you have a question?

Posted on 2005-06-18 17:07:42


But sodering and wiring is fun... =(

Posted on 2005-06-20 19:21:03


Actually, Overkill, forum + forum = fora, like Crazy said. (Yay Latin)

But, Crazy, it's 'soldering', not 'soder' ;)

Posted on 2005-06-20 20:07:59


Hello. I was just asking speculatively. That image I included in my post is something I scanned myself, from a manual for constructing an organ from a kit. Y'all can read the copyright date yourselves. Thanks for answering in the affirmative, basil and crazyazngamer (I hope that's correct).
If anyone cares, my 'current' 'project' is a little board with a microcontroller to take the output from a ps/2 - type keyboard (IBM, not Sony!), and produce a MIDI-out signal. It's at, in the hardware project section.

Posted on 2005-06-21 16:41:57


Quote:Originally posted by Kildorf

Actually, Overkill, forum + forum = fora, like Crazy said. (Yay Latin)

But, Crazy, it's 'soldering', not 'soder' ;)

It seems that a soldering iron burnt a hole through my brain. =(
I should solder the wound shut immediately.

Posted on 2005-06-21 17:25:28


Quote:Originally posted by Kildorf

Actually, Overkill, forum + forum = fora, like Crazy said. (Yay Latin)

But, Crazy, it's 'soldering', not 'soder' ;)

Both are correct in english.

Posted on 2005-06-22 00:25:17


Er... right. 'Forums' is just the one I've grown accustomed too, not having much Latin knowledge.

Posted on 2005-06-22 16:03:16


You're both wrong, 'fori'. muahah.

And, I like how it says 'Special Transistors'....

Posted on 2005-06-25 18:33:12


Quote:Originally posted by ThinIce

You're both wrong, 'fori'. muahah.

That is a lie of the basest sort! 'Fora' is correct, though you'd be much better off using 'forums,' since the word has been absorbed into English and should thus have an English plural, and since people will assume anyone saying 'fora' is a pedant.

Posted on 2005-06-25 21:38:09

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