entity hotspot settings not working
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No matter what I try to do, it seems that when the game is loaded up, the default hotspot sets are loaded for each CHR. It seems to assume a 16x32 chr with the bottom 16x16 hotspot, meaning that hot_x=0, hot_y=16, hot_w=16, and hot_h=16. I am aiming for double the resolution.

Here's the contents of the my .mak file. I just grabbed the darrin.mak from the zip, and edited it to my needs, including adding the hotspot definitions:

chr_version 5
in ikbaktaw.pcx
out ikbaktaw.chr
frame_w 32
frame_h 64
frames_per_row 5
frame_rows 10
hot_x 0
hot_w 32
hot_y 32
hot_h 32
d_idle 0
u_idle 5
r_idle 10
l_idle 15
d_walk F0W10F1W10F2W10F1W10F0W10F3W10F4W10F3W10
u_walk F5W10F6W10F7W10F6W10F5W10F8W10F9W10F8W10
r_walk F10W10F11W10F12W10F11W10F10W10F13W10F14W10F13W10
l_walk F15W10F16W10F17W10F16W10F15W10F18W10F19W10F18W10

I should note that I also tried replacing "hot_x" with "hotx" (and the same for the others), to no effect.

Posted on 2004-04-11 16:59:43


Shouldn't it be

hot_x 0
hot_y 0
hot_w 32
hot_h 32?

Your current code makes a 32x32 hotspot at position (0, 32) on the entity.

Posted on 2004-04-11 18:14:38


That's what I'm aiming for. Since it counts Y-scales from top to bottom in Verge, setting hot_y to 0 would make it the top half of the CHR. The old 16x32 CHRs use all the values I have divided by 2, including having a hot_y of 16.

But for the record, I have tried doing just that, as well as setting hot_y to 64. In fact, none of the things I change for the hotspot settings in the .mak file have any effect on what they read as in Verge. I'm not sure this is a bug yet, because I might just be using the wrong words in the .mak file. Though I have also tried "hotx", as I said before. I don't know what else it could be.

EDIT: Oh, and while I'm on the subject of entities... What is the default entity speed? I had to set it to 50 (!) to get it to move at a speed comparable with Verge2 defaults. I figured that since I am running in double resolution of what I am used to in Verge 2, I should double the entity speed, but that would have been only 8-10.

Posted on 2004-04-11 19:00:05 (last edited on 2004-04-11 19:28:04)


Gentlemen, the MAK format has been changed since v2, only Vecna managed to omit the parameters for changing hotspots in the darin.mak.

I am very intelligent, however (yes, I know), and I guessed them. Your hotspot lines should look roughly like this:

hotspot_x 8
hotspot_y 16
hotspot_w 16
hotspot_h 16

Its not hot_x, it's hotspot_x.

Posted on 2004-04-11 23:23:51


Thank you very much. I suspected that was the problem.

Posted on 2004-04-12 00:01:41


No problem.

Posted on 2004-04-12 00:41:50


entity speeds in v3 are in pixels/second. the default is 100.

Posted on 2004-04-12 01:39:29

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