First off, thanks to everybody who had overly kind things to say about the game. It's all very appreciated. Especially you, McGrue. Dragon Warrior is the most awesome series ever, and you, sir, have made my week. And Zip, you'll be receiving an email. Now. On to concerns.
An 'equip on buy' option never really even occured to me until I actually started to buy things (shops are a relatively recent addition) at which point having to go through the item menu every time began to annoy me more and more. It's on my list.
Selecting targets is a total cop-out on my part. It makes it so I don't have to write code to intelligently select another target if the thing you try to attack dies in the interim. I will grant that it's kind of cheating, but I'll point out that I'm probably not going to change it. I might, but not until a post-final release cleanup.
I'll be the first to tell you that I suck at art. Unfortunately, I also suck at recruitment. If anybody wants to volunteer to do enemy graphics or other artsy things, I'd be more than happy to talk with you.
There's a full HTML manual coming. I will, however, add a box to the character creation/level up screen that details what the selected statistic does for you.
As long as I have to do character graphics, people will not have eyes. The problem enters when you start meeting races that are smaller than humans and really don't have space on their head for eyes. Heck, a fairy's head is only one pixel.
Healing is something I fixed in battle but not in menu. And the issue you're seeing is that chr files aren't updated until a map change or the party order changes.
Another bug nobody's noticed yet but I saw with further playtesting is that hate isn't being cleared for party slots 2 and 4. So after a while of playing, enemies will only attack these two characters. This is easy to fix; change the part of line 979 of that reads:
I might release a quick bugfix of glaring issues that people have brought up, and I hope that people bring up more. Otherwise, the next release that actually adds to world size will be out whenever I finish the entire Amin Continent. Open up worldmap.png; it's the one on the right that looks like a head. This demo includes a tiny sliver at the bottom around Gelaham.
I took great pains to make sure saved games will be forwards compatible. Yes, all saved games will transfer.
Again, thanks, and keep letting me know what you'd like to see or what you see that's broken.