Epic of Serinor, year 2.5
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I wouldn't normally release something this close to the tail of a compo, but I'm OCD, and symmetry is very important to me.

Today is two years and six months to the day since my initial release of Epic of Serinor, and I've decided to mark the occasion by making a public release of the work that has been done in that time. The game is still quite unfinished, and the demo is a bit more unpolished than I'd like, but it gives an excellent look at what the finished product might be like. That and the fact that it's probably got at least 10-12 hours of playtime already prompted me to share our work with you good folks.

I uploaded the file, but I can't stick around to make sure it actually went through, since the library's about to kick me out. I just wanted to put up a quick note that Serinor's been updated. That's all. As you were.

Posted on 2007-03-05 20:10:06



I've been informed by people who know better than I to just link to a file offsite until the file upload actually goes through here. Additionally, it turns out the version I was trying to pawn off on you was broken. So I've got a better (read: not using packfiles) version you can swipe at my personal download page.

We'll see how this one goes.

Also, while I'm thinking about it, the online manual is a bit out of date. It's accurate most places, but I'm still working on catching it up to what the game's like now.

Posted on 2007-03-06 12:08:53 (last edited on 2007-03-06 12:11:57)


Hey, Eldritch. Serinor is looking really great; thanks for releasing this demo! I've started playing through it and, after realizing that charging blindly off into the great unknown was just going to get me killed, I'm having a good time. The graphics are more than passable, the music fits well, and the whole system feels very tight. Beyond that, the game (even though I know it's not complete) does a very good job of feeling epic. I like it, and I'm looking forward to playing it again (unfortunately I'm at work so that's a while off right now).

Also, I have to thank you on a slightly tangential note: Seeing you release Serinor, and then playing through a bit of it, has convinced me to stop being wishy-washy about a lot of things that I've been really unsure about recently with regards to my own games. Last night I did the first work on Geas that I've managed in quite some time, thanks to my own indecisions and vague ideas about where the project was headed. Just seeing something cool released from approximately the same timeperiod got me to stop sitting on my lazy ass and just start doing something already.

I really appreciate it.

Posted on 2007-03-07 08:33:51


Yep, seems Serinor is back on it's track. Although I started my own project, I will still be involved in making the monster art for this game. So don't worry, all those little monsters will be updated. Excepted the fighter, monobrow rules! =)

Btw, Kildorf, happy to see you are working on Geas. Big walking sprites make me smile. Don't give up!

Oh, and for people who never played this before. Take some time to level up before exploring and don't take any fight lightly.

Posted on 2007-03-08 19:02:00



There were times sort of like what you described going through with Geas for me as well. I would get upset with little things and go through month-long periods where I was convinced Serinor in its current incarnation would never work. The big one was damage calculations for me, in honesty, which is huge, since fighting is so integral to the game. So I'd just drop it completely rather than bother with it at all.

This release was mostly a trick I played on myself to get work done. I gave myself a month to finish off what I could before it went out to the public. I could have worked on Serinor another year and still not have had the level of quality I like before things go out, but that wouldn't do anybody any good. So I let it out anyway. It seemed like the thing to do at the time.

Posted on 2007-03-12 14:20:19


You should have told me damage calculations was causing you problems. I have created a methodology to create damage functions easily. I plan to use it in my new project, I'll tell you how well it works. Actually, is anyone interested in an FAQ on the subject?

Posted on 2007-03-12 21:53:50


Sure, why not?

Posted on 2007-04-03 15:39:18


I'm always interested in damage calculations.

Posted on 2007-04-03 21:44:10


Good, I will add it to things to do.

Posted on 2007-04-11 22:38:00

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