Feyr's v3 dma oop bbq?
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I was wondering if anyone was using Feyr's fearsome and mighty DMA OOP v3 library presently...
(current version)
I've not had the time to dig into it myself, but I'm rather interested in seeing some 'normal' vc vs. Feyr's lib time trial comparisons.
I'm just weird like that, though.
Posted on 2005-05-30 14:57:00
I think the main problem is that you'd only use something like this (more accurately you'd only invest the time to learn how to use it) if you were doing something quite complicated - as he mentions, nested structs and whatnot. And since few if any people seem to need that much complexity with what they're doing, they don't see a need for it. It came up at about the time I started trying to work with DMA, but it was more than I needed so I never used it.
Which is a filthy, crying shame considering how fantastic it is and how much time went into it. As for speed comparisons, I'd say it's a fairly moot point since the library exists to enable things you can't do in vc rather than speed up things you can do. At least that's how I'm seeing it.
Feyr still consistently has me in open mouth awe at what he can achieve with humble vc.
Posted on 2005-05-31 17:06:24
Agreeing with basil here. On a side note, wouldn't any speed loss be compensated by the free memory gained by being able to safely use dynamically allocated structures without having to make a giant 'pass by reference' array database?
I've got such an array database now that sucks up near 24megs at Verge startup. Surely some sort of list or nest using Feyr's library would use _much_ less memory.
Posted on 2005-05-31 22:20:37
I'm confused about why that is necessary.
Posted on 2005-05-31 23:16:06
Like, say you're making a 3D engine like Basil, and you need some objects/structures for polygons or polygon models. They've got a lot of properties (polygon lists, vector lists, textures, colors, shading, perspective, sub-child objects & their matrices) that even for a simple 3D_MODELS[500] array, you could suck a lot of memory.
Posted on 2005-06-01 11:52:18 (last edited on 2005-06-01 11:52:40)
Ahh. Well, you COULD do what Feyr presumably does internally and manage it all through DMA. Grue did that for some V2 thing he never released.
Posted on 2005-06-01 17:43:37
Why didn't I know about this earlier?
This is very important for what I'm working with.
Please tell me that's in the next VERGE release, along with multidimensional structs.
Posted on 2005-06-02 11:41:31
If you need nested structs or _anything_ OOP, this library looks just fine and capable to me. The source for what Feyr does is incredibly sensible and understandable. I'm not a DMA wizard, but it makes perfect sense to me, and I doubt you'd have any drawbacks to it -- I mean, it's just DMA, and not even a lot of DMA for data access (unless of course, you could do multiple levels of nested structs).
Posted on 2005-06-02 11:43:32
I can understand it perfectly...
Ok, I lie, but I can understand it well enough to use it.
However, I have a question about the DMA library.
Does it support strings?
Posted on 2005-06-02 22:54:38
I'm not sure offhand if Feyr made a DMA string implementation or not.
Aen once made a dma-string library for v2, but it has not been ported for v3 dma as of yet.
Posted on 2005-06-03 00:30:39
Quote:Originally posted by CrazyAznGamer
Why didn't I know about this earlier?
This is very important for what I'm working with.
Please tell me that's in the next VERGE release, along with multidimensional structs.
It's not looking like we're gonna get nested structs, so you might want to use feyr's thing.
Posted on 2005-06-03 00:49:01