fmod advanced features? :]
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I read on the fmod website that its features include such as assorted options for synchronizing your music with other functions. Immediately I thought of how much an interface to this functionality would help with the title screen of my clone, where the Yoshis need to be jumping and moving their mouths to the music..

Now just think of all the other cool stuff that could be done with that..! So what do you think vecna?

Posted on 2004-05-17 10:06:33


V3 lets you get the song position... the only other thing that fmod lets you do is get callbacks when a song hits a certain position, but that'd be a bit weird to do in vc.

Posted on 2004-05-18 20:07:13


hookmusic? :D

Posted on 2004-05-18 20:32:34


Song position sounds quite enough to do synchronizing. ^^;

Posted on 2004-05-18 20:53:53


Quote:Originally posted by vecna

V3 lets you get the song position... the only other thing that fmod lets you do is get callbacks when a song hits a certain position, but that'd be a bit weird to do in vc.

I can think of many, many uses for that in rpgs.

It'd be a bit more natural for synching a cutscene to music than running a timer parallel to the start of a song, I believe.

Posted on 2004-05-18 20:54:08


There's a lot of technical reasons that this would be tricky. Among them are that threads and the vc compiler don't get along, they're like Carmack and Romero. The other is that the VC interfaces hides for you the fact that fmod has different interfaces for all the different sound types that I support in a unified way in VC.

But I'll look into it.

Posted on 2004-05-19 13:07:59


What's wrong with timers? :(

Posted on 2004-05-19 13:42:03


It makes a poor person's computer finish the soundtrack way before the animation. It makes the rich person's computer finish the animation way before the music is done. That's the main reason why, I'm guessing.

Posted on 2004-05-19 20:36:56


Ooh, you can get the song position?! That might be even better for my ideal game (a REZ-like game) than beat detection. Ooh. Do tell.

Posted on 2004-05-19 22:12:29


beat detection? what U talkin 'bout!? :]

Posted on 2004-05-19 23:03:50


Quote:Originally posted by Blues Zodiakos

Ooh, you can get the song position?! That might be even better for my ideal game (a REZ-like game) than beat detection. Ooh. Do tell.

There's a function called:

GetSongPos(int h)

You have to use the advanced music API (see v3vergec.txt) in order to get this to work properly.

Posted on 2004-05-19 23:05:56


Quote:Originally posted by vecna

There's a lot of technical reasons that this would be tricky. Among them are that threads and the vc compiler don't get along, they're like Carmack and Romero.

Which is which? :D

Posted on 2004-05-20 02:53:40


GetSongPos() doesn't update nearly often enough for tracked songs. Maybe once every track (?). Not very appealing for high-energy songs with a lot of beats in every track.

If you're patient enough, you can time things out just fine with HookTimer. Most songs have a regular beat, so as long as you get everything set up right (HookTimer and PlaySong as close together as possible), you're gonna be covered on most machines. As long as the timer starts at the same time as the song, even slow machines will synch up just fine.

Here's some simple pulsing action, every second or so:

With a little elbow grease anybody could double up on some of the beats, add a few things here and there and get plenty of simpatico with a complex beat going.

Posted on 2004-05-20 06:37:36


For mods, getsongpos() returns the order position.
For mp3s, it returns the stream offset in bytes.
Uhh yeah.
It's possible to get the row position in fmod as well, but meh.

Edit: so mods getsongpos wouldnt return enough useful information for a DDR game, but it would work fine for 'syncing a cutscene to music'.

Posted on 2004-05-20 12:52:19 (last edited on 2004-05-20 12:53:12)


DDR would work as well as my title screen if one were to go through and edit the song so the patterns began in desirable places, roight

Posted on 2004-05-20 23:55:38

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