Fun with varargs.
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Hey there!

After realizing how underdocumented some of my things were, I thought I'd make some use of the features I added in like... 2006, and share some fairly useful VC with you folks.

Firstly, I present DictConstruct, which can create and populate a dictionary in the same call.
// DictConstruct
// Constructs a dictionary and populates it using the string arguments given to it.
// Pass: args - strings of the form "key:value"
// Returns: A dictionary handle populated with the key-to-value mappings you supply.
int DictConstruct(... args)
int i;
int dict = DictNew();
string k, v;
for(i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
k = GetToken(args.string[i], ":", 0);
v = TokenRight(args.string[i], ":", 1);
DictSetString(dict, k, v);
Exit("DictConstruct: Argument " + str(i) + " must be a string value.");
return dict;

Here is an example usage:
int dict = DictConstruct("name:Bob", "job:Fighter", "attack:54");

Secondly, I give you a fairly simple (but possibly handy) varargs function for logging text.
// Print
// Logs a message from a list of mixed string/int arguments and prints it with tabs
// Pass: args - The arguments to print
void Print(... args)
string s;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if(i) s += " ";
s += str([i]);
if(i) s += " ";
s += args.string[i];

Example usage:
Print("Hey look it's like Log() except for ", 1, " thing, it takes varargs");

Posted on 2008-12-27 18:08:14 (last edited on 2008-12-28 00:58:53)


Here's another one I just made, creates an "array"-like dictionary from a bunch of args.
// ListConstruct
// Constructs a dictionary with number-indexed keys mapped to the arguments supplied.
// Pass: args - values to populate the dictonary.
// Returns: A dictionary handle populated with the values you supply.
int ListConstruct(... args)
int i;
int dict = DictNew();
for(i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
DictSetString(dict, str(i), args.string[i]);
else if(args.is_int[i])
DictSetInt(dict, str(i),[i]);
return dict;

Example usage:
int list = ListConstruct(4, 5, 6, "Bob", 56);

Posted on 2008-12-30 18:12:53 (last edited on 2008-12-30 18:15:06)

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