Help a poor nostalgic ex-VERGEr
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Hello everyone. I was an avid VERGEr from the late V1 era to the early V2 era. I was just wondering if anyone here remembers a VERGE demo called something along the lines of 'The Seventh Ring of The Seventh Sun'. I've been looking for a copy, but have had little luck, and I'm not sure if there are other websites that are good for finding old Verge demos anymore, or where they might be. Any assistance in this matter would be appreciated.
Posted on 2004-11-08 03:03:48
Yup, I remember playing that.
If it isn't in the files section here there probably isn't anywhere else you can find it.
Posted on 2004-11-08 08:17:53
I think I might have a copy of that floating around somewhere..I'll have a look when I get a chance. In any case it's quite likely that somebody does have it in their archives.
Posted on 2004-11-08 12:56:57
Gah! It was on the site after all!
I'm having some trouble, though, as I can't run the DOS version of Verge2, and WinV2 requires a System.xvc instead of a System.vcs. The source was included with the game, so I'm trying to recompile it with the newest version of VCC, but that's also a DOS program, and attempts to get it working correctly have failed thus far.
Does anyone know any way to get VCC to work under a Windows XP environment?
Posted on 2004-11-09 03:00:31
There was a verge.exe that served as a drop in replacement for V2 games on Also I think verge 2.6 covers this.
Posted on 2004-11-10 01:40:40