Help the uninspired...
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What do you do when you want to try and code, but feel uninspired to do so, even when you know your game is at a critical development point?
Posted on 2005-05-18 23:39:39
Find some music to listen to.
If that don't work, find a movie.
If that don't work - maybe you should just let it sit then.
I've had to come to a hard reality making myself program when I'm not up to it is pretty tough cause I'm not focused.
Sometimes it helps to 'try' and if you're just not focused then it's beating a horse, but if you click and get determined it's worthwhile.
at least my $.02
Posted on 2005-05-18 23:46:41
Happens to everyone, I guess.
Just take a break, my man.
My best suggestion is to meditate. It helps you focus ten-fold. A simple breathing exercise is often enough.
Posted on 2005-05-19 01:28:49
Try and think 'What small thing can I get done right now', just something really small. A sub step of a sub step and then just do it.
Generally you won't stop there and you'll keep on doing more. If not, at least you've done something.
Have clear pathway to a clear goal.
Should sort you out.
Posted on 2005-05-19 03:57:11