I'm back, and better than ever!
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So, I'm back. Currently I've done this clock demo that's available in the verge 3 demos section, but I'm going to start working on a menusystem as soon as possible. I've been working on a storyline for a while and I'm going to keep building and building on it. I have a sprite/tile artist and we're both musicians.

Here comes the crazy.

I'm back.

Posted on 2004-02-20 20:04:36 (last edited on 2004-02-20 20:09:50)


Hey hey Shadow, I remember you from awhile back. I doubt anyone remembers me though, cuz I changed my username every other week =P. My most prominent ones were Lunatic Raven, and SSVegitoX..., Now I've moved onto more sophistication

Posted on 2004-02-20 20:56:30


Best avatar yet.

Posted on 2004-02-21 17:49:32


Are you referring to mine or yours?

Posted on 2004-02-21 19:16:10



Posted on 2004-02-22 04:34:29

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford.
Verge-rpg.com is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.