Actually, I did some very rudimentary 'lighting' stuff in Journey to Black Mountain (it doesn't really count though) and
Duskbane has lighting too.
Anyway, yeah, the plan is for having spells and items that give you light. There's already code in there for lights that have a certain duration and then fade away. And, again, your ideas for light-based strategy is very interesting and I'll definitely take them into consideration.
As for the team on the tech demo: The music was by
Erdrick. The character designs, portrait drawings, and a start to the sprites were done by
Tulokyn. I did everything else. So don't be complainin' too much. ;)
Thankfully for the real version, I've offloaded some of the work, but yeah. I'm a firm believer in the ''project lead does everything he can't farm out'' mode of operation. *shrug*