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Because I'm needing some Verge 2.6(OLD SKOOL. WORD) coding help right now. Both Omni and I are pretty busy with our lives and stuff, so project RAGE(Ren'Ai Game Engine-a stupid acronym I like to use for my dating sim project) coding has become pretty stagnant lately. Some hardcore anime fans are starting to get really antsy about the whole thing, so I'm hoping to find some help with this.

Any takers?

Posted on 2004-11-20 19:28:40


As a side-note, I am willing to help any new programmer A) go through and explain the current engine status, and B) assign him specific new tasks. And, I promise you'll never get any pressure from me--I'd just tell you what I've done, and what still needs to be done.

So, flexible hours, flexible workload. Why am I not doing it myself, then? ...good question.

Posted on 2004-11-22 05:06:53


I *would* help, but I am also working on 2 RPGs, 1 shooter, 1 platformer, and 1 tactical RPG. Sorry. I have enough projects as is, and in order to accomodate a new one, I'd have to drop another... But, if I abondon a project in the future, and the project is still alive, I'd give you guys a hand.

Posted on 2004-11-22 21:02:35


I offered help a long time ago, and heard nothing. Quite frankly, I've got more on than you have Omni, so you *should* just pull your finger out.


Posted on 2004-11-22 23:53:37


Er...right. I was very thankful for your offer, and just so you know, I did mention to Tralu about how you might have been willing to help out. Good luck with your workload, seriously.

Posted on 2004-11-22 23:58:15


If you heard nothing, then it was definitely my fault. I did have a bit of communication troubles over the summer, but if you were waiting for a response that never came, then you should be blaming me. I most likely forgot to contact you, but I would never turn down offered help in programming. I apologize for that.

Posted on 2004-11-23 01:10:56

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